
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
A Robust Hybrid Taguchi-Gradient Optimization Method for the Calculation of Analytical Green s Functions of Microstrip Structures NULL 1393 10 Journal
Design and Fabrication of a 9 11 GHz Balanced Low Noise Amplifier Using HJFET NULL 1393 07 Journal
Design guidelines for proximity coupled U-slot microstrip antennas NULL 1393 04 Journal
آنتن موج سطحي انحنا پذير با پترن دوجهته نامتقارن NULL 1393 04 Journal
A New Efficient Technique for Transient Scattering of Conducting Cylinders Illuminated by a TM-polarized Plane Wave NULL 1393 04 Journal
Design of Rotman Lens Antenna at Ku-Band Based on Substrate Integrated Technology NULL 1393 03 Journal
Survey of Temporal Basis Functions for Transient Scattering by Conducting Cylinders Using TD-EFIE Formulation-TE Case NULL 1392 12 Journal
Time-domain MoM for the analysis of thin-wire structures above half-space media using complex-time Green s functions and band-limited quadratic B-spline temporal basis function NULL 1391 04 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Design of a new planar surface wave antenna with a bidirectional asymmetric radiation pattern for telemetry applications 1393 09 Conference The third Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetic (ICEEM 2014 )
The effect of SMA connector implementation on a two-layer Ku-Band Microstrip Antenna 1393 09 Conference The third Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetic (ICEEM 2014 )
A New Wideband Closed-Form Green s Function for Microstrip Structures Using Hybrid Taguchi-Gradient Optimization Method 1393 06 Conference 7th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST2014)
Design of a Novel Multi Wideband Triangular-Circular Fractal Antenna for Mobile Communication and Upper UWB Applications 1393 06 Conference 7th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST2014)
Survey of Temporal Basis Functions for Transient Scattering by Conducting Cylinders Using TD-EFIE Formulation-TM Case 1393 02 Conference 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2014)
بررسي سازگاري الكترومغناطيسي در حوزه هواپيماي مسافربري و چالش هاي آن بر مبناي استاندارد DO-160 1393 02 Conference همايش حمل و نقل هوايي ايران ، آسيب شناسي و چالش ها
Qualitative Imaging of Penetrable Scatterer Using Near-Field Data 1392 04 Conference 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting
Modified Physical Optics Approximation and Physical Theory of Diffraction for RCS Calculation of Dielectric Coated PEC 1392 04 Conference 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting
A New Approach for Transient Scattering of Infinite Conducting Cylinders TE Case 1392 04 Conference 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting
A Simple and Practical Impedance Matching Network for Quadrifilar Helix Antenna 1392 04 Conference 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting
Modified Physical Optics Approximation for RCS Calculation of Dielectric Coated PEC with Axial Symmetry 1392 02 Conference بيست و يكمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Time-Domain MoM for the Scattering Analysis of Thin-Wire Structures Within a Ground Using Band-Limited Second-Order Lagrange Temporal Basis Functions 1391 02 Conference بيستمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران