
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Design and modeling of third-harmonic plasmonic metasurfaces coupled to multi-quantum well structures NULL 1398 06 Journal
Ultra-deep sub-wavelength mode confinement in nano-scale graphene resonator-coupled waveguides NULL 1398 06 Journal
Investigation of a High-Power Low-Threshold Single-Mode Microsphere Laser Using a Serially Coupled Double Microsphere Structure 10.1109/JLT.2019.2913901 1398 04 Journal
Linear array of dual-polarised slot-coupled dielectric-rod elements for wireless applications NULL 1398 04 Journal
Wideband RCS reduction using three different implementations of AMC structures NULL 1398 01 Journal
Numerical investigation of saturation behaviors in photoconductive antennas under high bias conditions NULL 1397 11 Journal
Limiting factors for optical switching using nano-structured graphene-based field effect transistors NULL 1397 10 Journal
Analytical Investigation of a Low-Profile Multiband Circular Microstrip Antenna with Monopolelike Radiation Patterns NULL 1397 09 Journal
Theoretical Investigation of Dynamic Switching Functionality in Graphene-Based Waveguides NULL 1397 05 Journal
Object Locating of Electromagnetic Inclusions in Anisotropic Permeable Background Using MUSIC Algorithm NULL 1397 04 Journal
Equivalent Circuit Model for Array of Circular Loop FSS Structures at oblique angles of incidence NULL 1397 01 Journal
Design of a Randomized Arrangement AMC Surfaces for RCS Reduction Based on Equivalent Circuit Modelling NULL 1397 01 Journal
Design of a Single-Layer Circuit Analog Absorber Using Double-Circular-Loop Array via the Equivalent Circuit Model NULL 1396 07 Journal
Analytical approach for compact shorting pin circular patch antenna 10.1049/iet-map.2017.0248 1396 06 Journal
SIW Rotman Lens with Planar Slot Array Antenna at Ku-band NULL 1396 03 Journal
نحوه طراحي و ساخت يك تقويت كننده متوازن كم نويز مبتني بر ترانزيستور HJFET در باند فركانسي GHz 11-9 NULL 1396 01 Journal
A Robust Scheme for TD-MoM Analysis of Planar PEC Objects NULL 1395 12 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Ultra-Deep Sub-Wavelength Mode Confinement in Graphene Waveguides 1398 04 Conference 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting AP-S/URSI 2019
A Fast Scheme for TD-MoM Analysis of PEC Surfaces in Free Space 1396 02 Conference بيست وپنجمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Design and Fabrication of a Low-Profile Patch Antenna with Monopole-Like Pattern Using Characteristic Modes 1396 02 Conference بيست وپنجمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران