
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Scattered Field Calculation From Microstrip Arrays Using the Combination of Discrete Bodies of Revolution and Domain Decomposition Methods NULL 1402 09 Journal
Mode Conversion between Beams Carrying Orbital Angular Momentum with Opposite Topological Charges using Two-Dimensional Multimode Interference Waveguides NULL 1402 01 Journal
Development of a new method for modeling a physical system in a rational expression NULL 1401 09 Journal
Compressed Machine Learning-Based Inverse Model for Design Optimization of Microwave Components 10.1109/TMTT.2022.3166151 1401 03 Journal
Development of a Non-Iterative Macromodeling Technique by Data Integration and Least Square Method NULL 1400 08 Journal
Efficient third-harmonic generation in asymmetric InxGa1-xN/InN double quantum wells NULL 1400 07 Journal
Fields calculation of electric dipole excitation of a metafilm printed on a finite-thickness dielectric slab using the susceptibility homogenization method NULL 1400 01 Journal
A Direct Method to Design Microwave Amplifer NULL 1399 10 Journal
Planar Multibeam Array Antenna with Rotman Lens Beamformer for 5 GHz Band Wireless Applications NULL 1399 09 Journal
Calculation of Potential Green's Functions for a Planar Metasurface Excited by an Electric Dipole Using Homogenization Method NULL 1399 04 Journal
A Multi-band Microstrip Planar Inverted-F Antenna for Wireless Applications NULL 1399 03 Journal
Homogenized Dyadic Potential Green's Function for Planar Metasurface Placed at Two Half Spaces Interface Excited by Vertical and Horizontal Ideal Electric Dipole NULL 1399 01 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
RCS Calculation of a Symmetrical Microstrip Array Using Discrete Bodies of Revolution Method 1402 02 Conference 31st International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2023)
Two Dimensional Multi-Mode Interference Waveguides for Orbital Angular Momentum Applications 1401 07 Conference International Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics 2022 in Copenhagen (ICIQP2022)
بهبود اثر دشارژ الكترواستاتيك بر صفحات خورشيدي ماهواره با بكارگيري روش ك در الگوريتم ژنتيك 1401 03 Conference بيستمين كنفرانس بين المللي انجمن هوا فضاي ايران
OAM Mode Conversion using Two Dimensional Multimode Interference (2D MMI) Couplers 1401 03 Conference 6th International Conference on optical Angular Momentum
All-optically mode conversion of beams carrying orbital angular momentum using 2D multi-mode interference coupler 1399 11 Conference بيست و هفتمين كنفرانس ملي اپتيك و فوتونيك ايران و سيزدهمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي و فناوري فوتونيك ايران
Hybrid Silicon and Lithium Niobate Electro-Optic Modulators 1399 11 Conference بيست و هفتمين كنفرانس ملي اپتيك و فوتونيك ايران و سيزدهمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي و فناوري فوتونيك ايران
Design and fabrication of an Ultra-Wideband Star-Shaped FSS Absorber with SMD Resistors 1399 08 Conference هفتمين كنفرانس ملي رادار و سامانه هاي مراقبتي ايران
Design of a 10 dB Ultra-Wideband Coupler Using Nonuniform Wiggly Lines 1399 08 Conference هفتمين كنفرانس ملي رادار و سامانه هاي مراقبتي ايران