Energy pricing and investigating international trade law considering renewable energy investments under the cap-and-trade system: A game theoretic approach |
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Optimizing greenness and pricing in green product development: addressing cannibalization and enhancing market share in a duopoly markets |
10.1007/s10668-024-05411-w |
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Multi-depot vehicle routing problem with roaming delivery locations considering hard time windows: Solved by a hybrid ELS-LNS algorithm |
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An accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm for the integrated storage space assignment, berth allocation, and yard crane deployment problem |
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Robust Integrated Model for Traffic Routing Optimization and Train Formation Plan with Yard Capacity Constraints and Demand Uncertainty |
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Generalized vehicle routing problem: Contemporary trends and research directions |
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A game theoretic approach for time-of-use pricing with considering renewable portfolio standard effects and investment in energy storage technologies under government interventions |
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Pricing in competitive energy supply chains considering government interventions to support CCS under cap-and-trade regulations: A game-theoretic approach |
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ارائه ي دو مدل رياضي و چهار الگوريتم ابتكاري براي مسئله ي مسيريابي وسايل نقليه با در نظر گرفتن مكان زمان هاي پيشنهادي مشتريان |
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A robust solution for optimizing facility location and network design with diverse link capacities |
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Multi-mode hybrid electric vehicle routing problem |
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Time-Of-Use pricing in an energy sustainable supply chain with government interventions: A game theory approach |
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The time-dependent multi-depot fleet size and mix green vehicle routing problem: improved adaptive large neighbourhood search |
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Time-dependent vehicle routing problem with backhaul with FIFO assumption: Variable neighborhood search and mat-heuristic variable neighborhood search algorithms |
10.5267/j.ijiec.2020.10.003 |
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An augmented Tabu search algorithm for the green inventory-routing problem with time windows |
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A Survey on Environmentally Friendly Vehicle Routing Problem and a Proposal of Its Classification |
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Integrated continuous berth allocation and quay crane assignment and scheduling problem with time-dependent physical constraints in container terminals |
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A new mathematical model for production and delivery scheduling problem with common cycle in a supply chain with open-shop system |
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رويكرد استوار سناريو محور براي مساله مسيريابي وسايط نقليه تحت شرايط رقابتي با استفاده از الگوريتم تكامل تفاضلي بهبوديافته |
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ارائه يك مدل رياضي جديد به منظور تخصيص وسايل نقليه به سكوها و مسيريابي وسايل نقليه به طور همزمان در انبار عبوري با پنجره زماني نرم |
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