
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
A Green Competitive Vehicle Routing Problem under Uncertainty Solved by an Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm # Journal
A robust approach for a green periodic competitive VRP under uncertainty: DE and PSO algorithms # Journal
A mathematical model for location of temporary relief centers and dynamic routing of aerial rescue vehicles # Journal
A bi-objective fleet size and mix green inventory routing problem model and solution method # Journal
Robust Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows under Uncertainty: An Efficient Algorithm # Journal
مسأله مسيريابي انتخابي باز وسايل نقليه همراه با قيمت گذاري؛ حل: الگوريتم رقابت استعماري بهبوديافته # Journal
مكان يابي مراكز امداد موقت و مسيريابي پوياي وسايل نقليه امداد هوايي در شرايط بحران # Journal
A new bi-objective periodic vehicle routing problem with maximization market share in an uncertain competitive environment # Journal
يك مدل بهينه سازي استوار سناريو محور براي مسيله مسيريابي وسايط نقليه دوره اي با پنجره زماني تحت شرايط عدم قطعيت با استفاده از الگوريتم تكامل تفاضلي # Journal
Multi-Depot Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problem Solved By A Hybrid Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search # Journal
مسير يابي موجودي باز با در نظر گرفتن كاهش مصرف سوخت ، روش حل الگوريتم تكاملي تفاضلي # Journal
مسيريابي موجودي باز با در نظر گرفتن كاهش مصرف سوخت روش حل: الگوريتم تكاملي تفاضلي # Journal
Optimal fleet composition and periodic routing in Offshore supply chain with simultaneously pickup and delivery # Journal
A Novel Model for the Time Dependent Competitive Vehicle Routing Problem Modified Random Topology Particle Swarm Optimization # Journal
Location Allocation and Routing of Temporary Health Centers in Rural Areas in Crisis Solved by Improved Harmony Search Algorithm # Journal
A PFIH-Based Heuristic for Green Routing Problem with Hard Time Windows # Journal
Solving a robust capacitated arc routing problem using a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm A waste collection application # Journal
A new mathematical model for bi-objective inventory routing problem with step cost function A MOPSO solution approach # Journal
A new model for optimising simultaneously projects selection and resource-constrained project scheduling problem # Journal
A new robust model for location-inventory in three echelon supply chain with uncertain demand in small and medium business enterprises # Journal