
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Identification of active site in oxidative coupling of methane on silica support manganese catalyst Conference
The Effect of Different Parameters on Distillation Column Tray Point Efficiency Conference
NaOH Recovery from Waste Stream of Merox Process Using Electrodialysis Conference
Application of ED and EDI Processes in NaOH Recovery from Merox Spent Caustic Waste Conference
Modeling of reactive absorption in a coaxial impinging streams absorber Conference
Experimental study and modeling of HF adsorption on NaF Conference
Turbulence models application on CFD simulation of structured packing Conference
Microwave assisted synthesis of nano zeolite seed for synthesis membrane and investigation of its permeation properties for H2 separation Conference
Application of electrodialysis for NaOH recovery from waste stream of MEROX process Conference
كاربرد آناليز احتمال Markov-Chain و مدل تانك هاي همزده سري در مدلسازي رياضي جذب فيزيكي غيرهمدماي گاز CO2 دريك جذب كننده داراي جريان هاي برخوردي محوري Conference
Hydrogen Fluoride Adsorption on Sodium Fluoride Conference
Computational Fluid Dynamics The new tools for scientific and engineering application in petrochemical industries Conference
Effect of altervalent cation-doping on catalytic activity of M-Na-Mn/SiO2 for oxidative coupling of methane Conference
Mathematical Modeling of Non-Isothermal Gas Absorption in a Coaxial Impinging Streams Absorber Conference
Synthesis and Characterization of Silicalite-1 Nanocrystals from a Clear Solution with Short Synthesis Time and High Yield Conference
Ultra Rapid Production of Silicalite-1 Nanocrystals by Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis Conference
سنتز و شناسايي غشا زئوليتي ZSM-5 به روش رشد ثانويه بدون استفاده از ماده الي قالب ساز، به منظور جداسازي گازي Conference
مدلسازي رياضي و شبيه سازي جذب غيرهمدماي گاز CO2 دريك سيستم داراي جريانهاي برخوردي محوري Conference
مطالعه ازمايشگاهي و مدلسازي رياضي فرايند جذب سطحي گاز اسيدهيدروفلوئوريدريك توسط قرص هاي فلوئوريدسديم Conference
CFD Simulation of Pressure Drop Mass Transfer Efficiency and Temperature Distribution in a Structured Packing Conference