
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Energy saving in LAB distillation unit by feed splitting 1389 08 Conference The 13th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress 1st International Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Conference
Biological Production of Acetone Butanol and Ethanol from Rice Straw 1389 07 Conference 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress ( APCCHE 2010 )
Optimization of Manufacturing Conditions for Activated Carbon from Petroleum Coke by KOH Activation Using Response Surface Methodology 1389 07 Conference 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress ( APCCHE 2010 )
Optimization of Operating Conditions of Catalytic Oxidative Coupling of Methane Using Genetic Algorithm 1389 07 Conference 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress ( APCCHE 2010 )
Mathematical Modeling of a Fixed Bed Reactor for Dehydrogenation of Isobutane 1389 07 Conference 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress ( APCCHE 2010 )
Simulation of Adsorption with Surface and Pore Diffusion in Two Dimensional Pore Networks 1389 07 Conference 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress ( APCCHE 2010 )
Enhancement of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Rice Straw by Different Pretreatment Methods 1389 07 Conference 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress ( APCCHE 2010 )
بررسي مقايسه اي جداسازي مركاپتان ها از گاز طبيعي با استفاده ازجذب سطحي با غربال مولكولي و جذب توسط حلال كاستيك NULL 1389 06 Journal
شبيه سازي واحد توليد پروپيلن به روش هيدروژن گيري از پروپان وتعيين پارامترهاي برج تفكيك كننده C3 1389 02 Conference دومين كنفرانس علوم و مهندسي جداسازي
كاربرد آناليز احتمالMarkov-Chain و مدل تانك هاي همزده سري درمدلسازي رياضي جذب فيزيكي غيرهمدماي گازCOدر يك جذب كننده داراي جريان هاي برخوردي محوري NULL 1389 01 Journal
Effect of additives on Mn/SiO2 based catalysts on oxidative coupling of methane NULL 1389 01 Journal
Comparison of different modeling strtegies for simulation of carbon dioxide absorption in a coaxial impinging streams absorber NULL 1389 01 Journal
اثرتغيير پارامترهاي ساختاري درافزايش ميزان بازدهي برج تقطيردرخلا NULL 1388 12 Journal
مدل سازي رياضي جذب غير هم دماي گاز در يك سامانه ي جذب داراي جريان هاي برخوردي محوري NULL 1388 10 Journal
The Effect of Different Parameters on Distillation Column Tray Point Efficiency 1388 08 Conference The 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition ( ICHEC 2009 )
Identification of active site in oxidative coupling of methane on silica support manganese catalyst 1388 08 Conference The 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition ( ICHEC 2009 )
NaOH Recovery from Waste Stream of Merox Process Using Electrodialysis 1388 08 Conference First International Conference on Advaces in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
Application of ED and EDI Processes in NaOH Recovery from Merox Spent Caustic Waste 1388 08 Conference First International Conference on Advaces in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
Experimental study and modeling of HF adsorption on NaF 1388 06 Conference 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering
Modeling of reactive absorption in a coaxial impinging streams absorber 1388 06 Conference 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering