
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Development of New Potassium Carbonate Sorbent for CO2 Capture under Real Flue Gas Conditions NULL 1393 07 Journal
An Experimental Investigation of the Catalytic Effect of Fe2O3 Nanoparticle on Steam Injection Process of an Iranian Reservoir NULL 1393 04 Journal
Pervaporative performances of mixed matrix membranes filled with silica / silicalite-1 particles for purification of toluene from dilute aqueous solution NULL 1393 01 Journal
A numerical study of spontaneous imbibition including gravity 1392 12 Conference The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition(IChEC2014)
Effect of nano-metal oxides on heavy oil viscosity reduction in laboratory 1392 12 Conference The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition(IChEC2014)
مدل سازي رياضي وشبيه سازي فرايند سوربكس بررسي موردي واحد پاركس 1392 12 Conference اولين هما ش ملي توسعه دانش بنيا ن صنايع نفت، گازوپتروشيمي
Simple and confident approach in modeling miscible flow in petroleum reservoirs 1392 12 Conference The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition(IChEC2014)
بررسي آزمايشگاهي تاثيرنانوذرات برروي فرايندتزريق بخار در بازيابي نفت سنگين 1392 10 Conference چهاردهمين همايش دانشجويي فناوري نانو
Improvement of acetone butanol and ethanol production from rice straw by acid and alkaline pretreatments NULL 1392 07 Journal
Nanoporous Cu-BTC Metal Organic Framework for Natural gas Upgrading 1392 04 Conference 9th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids-DSL2013
بررسي مدل هاي ارائه شده درفرايند رانش گاز محلول درمخازن نفت سنگين 1392 02 Conference نخستين همايش مهندسي فرايند
Nanoporous Copper-Benzene-1 3 5-Tricarboxylate Powder for Biogas Upgrading 1392 02 Conference اولين همايش ملي فناوري هاي نوين در شيمي و مهندسي شيمي
اندازه گيري ايزوترم جذب دي اكسيدكربن ومتان برروي قرص هاي نانوجاذب الي-فلزي Cu-BTC 1392 02 Conference اولين همايش ملي و كارگاه هاي تخصصي علوم و فناوري نانو
The influence of ester additives on the properties of gasoline NULL 1391 10 Journal
An experimental study of adsorption breakthrough curves for CO2/CH4 separation in a fixed bed of nanoporous shaped copper trimesate metal organic framework NULL 1391 10 Journal
Modeling and Simulation of Six-Bed Cyclic Adsorption Process Using in Mercaptan Removal from Natural Gas Non-Isothermal and Non-Adiabatic Conditions NULL 1391 10 Journal
بررسي استفاده از غشا هاي انتخاب پذير هيدروژن وبخار آب در راكتورهاي بستر سيالي توليد دي متيل اتر 1391 07 Conference چهاردهمين كنگره ملي مهندسي شيمي ايران
تاثيرغلظت اكسيدمس برروي ظرفيت جاذبهاي3 CuO/ Al2O درحذف دي اكسيد گوگردازمخلوط گازها 1391 07 Conference چهاردهمين كنگره ملي مهندسي شيمي ايران
Experimental study of CO2 removal from flue gas using potassium carbonate on nano-TiO2 support 1391 04 Conference 8th international conference on diffusion in solids and liquids-DSL2012
Numerical modeling of steam injection in heavy oil reservoirs NULL 1391 01 Journal