ارائه ي روشي جهت شناسايي و جداسازي اتوماتيك رزينهاي PET PVC و HDPE از جريان زباله هاي پلاستيكي ، به روش طيف سنجي بازتابشي NIR و با كمك نرم افزار LAb View |
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Spin-Orbit Activated Interchannel Coupling in the 3d Photoionization of Barium Atoms |
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Enhancing the Efficiency of the Evaporative Air Coolers |
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آشكارسازي مواد منفجره با استفاده ازIMS درپلاريته مثبت |
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كاليبراسيون ليزر رنگي با استفاده از طيف سنجي اپتوگالواني |
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طيف سنجي اتمي و مولكولي با تابش سينكروترون |
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Towards a New Generation of DNA Chips |
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A Proposed Experiment for Excitation of the Metastable Helium Atom (1 3S) to Doubly Excited States |
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Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Molecules |
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Thermodynamic parameters of L-asparaginase in organic amendments plant residues and forest litters |
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separation of magnesium chloride from carnallite with purity higher than 93 at laboratory scale |
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سنجش فعاليت و سينتيك آنزيم ال-آسپاراژينازدر برخي كودهاي آلي و لاشبرگ هاي جنگلي |
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Thermodynamic Study of 2- butanone Proton Bound Dimer Reaction in Drift Tube |
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Study of Dissociative Electron Attachment to Clorobromomethanes by Ion Mobility Spectrometry |
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Determination of Morphine and Noscapine Using Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry2005 |
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Determination of morphine and noscapine using corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry |
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Resonant Auger Spectroscopy of Metastable Molecular Oxygen |
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K-shell Ionization of O2 Molecule in Its metastable a1Delta state |
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Construction f an Amperometric gas Sensor for Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide |
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