
Conference Papers
Title Date type
ارائه ي روشي جهت شناسايي و جداسازي اتوماتيك رزينهاي PET PVC و HDPE از جريان زباله هاي پلاستيكي ، به روش طيف سنجي بازتابشي NIR و با كمك نرم افزار LAb View Conference
NULL Conference
Spin-Orbit Activated Interchannel Coupling in the 3d Photoionization of Barium Atoms Conference
Enhancing the Efficiency of the Evaporative Air Coolers Conference
آشكارسازي مواد منفجره با استفاده ازIMS درپلاريته مثبت Conference
كاليبراسيون ليزر رنگي با استفاده از طيف سنجي اپتوگالواني Conference
طيف سنجي اتمي و مولكولي با تابش سينكروترون Conference
Towards a New Generation of DNA Chips Conference
A Proposed Experiment for Excitation of the Metastable Helium Atom (1 3S) to Doubly Excited States Conference
Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Molecules Conference
Thermodynamic parameters of L-asparaginase in organic amendments plant residues and forest litters Conference
separation of magnesium chloride from carnallite with purity higher than 93 at laboratory scale Conference
سنجش فعاليت و سينتيك آنزيم ال-آسپاراژينازدر برخي كودهاي آلي و لاشبرگ هاي جنگلي Conference
Thermodynamic Study of 2- butanone Proton Bound Dimer Reaction in Drift Tube Conference
Study of Dissociative Electron Attachment to Clorobromomethanes by Ion Mobility Spectrometry Conference
Determination of Morphine and Noscapine Using Corona Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry2005 Conference
Determination of morphine and noscapine using corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry Conference
Resonant Auger Spectroscopy of Metastable Molecular Oxygen Conference
K-shell Ionization of O2 Molecule in Its metastable a1Delta state Conference
Construction f an Amperometric gas Sensor for Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide Conference