
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Design and Optimization of a Corona Discharge Ionization Source for Ion Mobility Spectrometry # Journal
Direct Determination of ulta-trace amounts of Acetone by Corona-Discharge Ion Mobility Spectrometry # Journal
Resonance enhanced Multiphoton Ionization Spectroscopy of the NCl Molecule 1 Rydberg States Studied by 2-photon Excitation from the a1 state # Journal
Resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy of the NF molecule 1 3Phi 3d and 4d Rydberg states # Journal
Ultraviolet Photolysis of HOCl REMPI Measurement of the Relative Population of Chlorine Atom (2P)spin-orbit States # Journal
مطالعه تجربي اتصال يون سديم به فنيل آلانين به روش واجذب-يونش ليزري به كمك ماتريكس سديم دو دسيل سولفات با استفاده از طيف سنجي جرمي زمان پرواز Conference
بررسي كيفي اثر جنس صفحه دافع بر واجذب -يونش ليزري سورفكتانت سديم دودسيل سولفات با استفاده از طيف سنجي جرمي زمان پرواز ليزري Conference
Identification of Amino Acids by NeW Laser Methos in TOF mass Spectrometry Conference
Ion attachment mass spectrometry of Amino acids by laser radiation Conference
Photo-dissociation/Ionization of Proline Theoretical and Experimental study Conference
Products of Acetaminophen Ionization in Corona Discharge Theoretical and experimental study Conference
DFT Study of kinetics and thermodynamics of proton transfer and proton-bound dimer formation of methyl isobutyl ketone and 2 4 dimethyl pyridine Conference
Valance Photoelectron spectroscopy of DL-Alanine Amino acide Conference
بررسي عملكرد كولرهاي آبي خانگي و ارائه طرحي جديد به منظور افزايش بازدهي خنك سازي Conference
Peak to Peak Repulsion in Ion Mobility Spectrometry Conference
Two-Dimentional High Resolution Optogalvanic Spectroscop Conference
Formation of Proton-bound Dimers in Atmospheric Pressure A Thermodynamic Study Conference
Combined Photoionization and Corona Discharge Ionization Sources for Ion Mobility Spectrometry Conference
Valance Photoelectron Spectroscopy of DL-Valine Amino-Acid Conference
Observation of Space Charge Effects in Ion Mobility Spectrometry Conference