Study of Two Photon Time-Resolved Optogalvanic Signals of Neon in the 600-630 nm Region |
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Improved IMS performance using an inversed mode of operation for the shutter grid |
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A Non-Radioactive Electron Capture Detector for GC |
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Observation of Space Charge Effects in Ion Mobility Spectrometry |
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A Charged Particle Source at Atmospheric Pressure |
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Kinetic Study of Proton Transfer Reaction using Ion Mobility Spectrometry |
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Thermodynamic Study of Proton-Bond Dimer Formation Reaction in Gas Phase |
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Inverse Ion Mobility Spectrometry |
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Kinetic Study of Electron Attachement reaction to Halogenated Alkanes by Using of Ion Mobility Spectrometry |
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detection of explosives by positive corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry in air |
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Transmission of Ions through Shutter Grid |
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Kinetics of Proton Transfer Reactions |
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Angular effects in autoionization of 3P doubly excited states in He |
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The Effect of Drift Tube Geometry on Ion Transmission |
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Investigating of Dependence of the Electronic Transition Moment forf K Pi excitation and K-shell ionization spectra of O2 and CO molecules |
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Two photon Time Resolved Optogalvanic Signals of Neon |
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The Effect of Spraying on the Evaporation Rate |
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Elimination of NO from the Reactant Ions in Ion Mobility Spectrometry |
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Construction of a Particle Counter |
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Study of Doubly Excited States of Helium-Excitation of 1/3S Metastable Helium Atoms |
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