Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Based on Null Space Reconstruction Using Sequential Quadratic Programming |
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طراحي آنتن UWB با استفاده از آنتن ميكرواستريپ |
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Inverse Scattering of Multiple Dielectric Cylinders Buried under Stratified Media Based on NR current Using SQP-SOM |
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Microwave Imaging of the Buried Dielectric Objects Based on Non-Radiating Subspace Reconstruction |
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Effect of surface roughness on propagation of surface plasmon polaritons along thin lossy metal films |
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ارائه يك پالس جديد راديو ضربه فراپهن باند(IR-UWB) براي مقابله با تداخل باند باريك و بررسي ميزان بهبود عملكرد گيرنده آن |
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A New Quasi-Elliptic UWB BPF with a Sharp Transition Band Using 3/4- Wavelength SIRs |
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Microwave Imaging of Perfect Electric Conductors of Arbitrary Shape Using Level Set Method |
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ارائه يك روش جديد براي دسته بندي پايانه ها در شبكه هاي مبتني بر باس داده 1553 |
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A New UWB Pulse Generator for Narrowband Interference Avoidance |
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Using Adaptive Dynamic Surfaces For Shape Reconstruction of Perfect Electric Conductors Inside a Dielectric Surrounding |
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Modeling of Conical Dielectric Resonator by Simulation at 10 GHZ and Comparing with the Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator |
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A general form for recursive algorithms in tomographic image reconstruction |
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Using Direct Radon Transform to Improve Image Reconstructed by Backprojection Method |
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Design of broadband Bandpass Matrix Amplifier in 0.13-um CMOS Technology for UWB Communication Systems |
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An Optimum Meshing to Compute The Radiation Integrals of Reflector Antennas by FFT Method |
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Fast Computation of Radiation Fields of Reflector Antennas by FFT Method |
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Three Topologies and a Control Strategy for Harmonic Suppression in Single-Phase Systems Using a Shunt Active Power Filter |
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تحليل و شبيه سازي آنتنهاي رفلكتوري شكل يافته |
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A New Algorithm for Scattering Calculation of Absorber Coated Objects |
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