
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Based on Null Space Reconstruction Using Sequential Quadratic Programming Conference
طراحي آنتن UWB با استفاده از آنتن ميكرواستريپ Conference
Inverse Scattering of Multiple Dielectric Cylinders Buried under Stratified Media Based on NR current Using SQP-SOM Conference
Microwave Imaging of the Buried Dielectric Objects Based on Non-Radiating Subspace Reconstruction Conference
Effect of surface roughness on propagation of surface plasmon polaritons along thin lossy metal films Conference
ارائه يك پالس جديد راديو ضربه فراپهن باند(IR-UWB) براي مقابله با تداخل باند باريك و بررسي ميزان بهبود عملكرد گيرنده آن Conference
A New Quasi-Elliptic UWB BPF with a Sharp Transition Band Using 3/4- Wavelength SIRs Conference
Microwave Imaging of Perfect Electric Conductors of Arbitrary Shape Using Level Set Method Conference
ارائه يك روش جديد براي دسته بندي پايانه ها در شبكه هاي مبتني بر باس داده 1553 Conference
A New UWB Pulse Generator for Narrowband Interference Avoidance Conference
Using Adaptive Dynamic Surfaces For Shape Reconstruction of Perfect Electric Conductors Inside a Dielectric Surrounding Conference
Modeling of Conical Dielectric Resonator by Simulation at 10 GHZ and Comparing with the Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Conference
A general form for recursive algorithms in tomographic image reconstruction Conference
Using Direct Radon Transform to Improve Image Reconstructed by Backprojection Method Conference
Design of broadband Bandpass Matrix Amplifier in 0.13-um CMOS Technology for UWB Communication Systems Conference
An Optimum Meshing to Compute The Radiation Integrals of Reflector Antennas by FFT Method Conference
Fast Computation of Radiation Fields of Reflector Antennas by FFT Method Conference
Three Topologies and a Control Strategy for Harmonic Suppression in Single-Phase Systems Using a Shunt Active Power Filter Conference
تحليل و شبيه سازي آنتنهاي رفلكتوري شكل يافته Conference
A New Algorithm for Scattering Calculation of Absorber Coated Objects Conference