
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Two Dimensional Multi-Mode Interference Waveguides for Orbital Angular Momentum Applications Conference
Ultra-Deep Sub-Wavelength Mode Confinement in Graphene Waveguides Conference
Robust Multi-Layer Graphene-Based Plasmonic Cloaking Conference
Design of photoconductive antenna using spatially dispersive graphene strips Conference
Design and Analysis of a High Power Controllable Phase Shifter Based on SIW in X-band Conference
Design and Fabrication of a Low-Profile Patch Antenna with Monopole-Like Pattern Using Characteristic Modes Conference
Design of Low Loss Waveguide Switch Using Graphene Strips at THz Frequencies Conference
Object Locating in Anisotropic Dielectric Background Using MUSIC algorithm Conference
An Equivalent Circuit Model for Array of Circular Loop FSS Structures Conference
Design of Reflectarray With Cosecant Squared Radiation Pattern in X-band Conference
ساختار انتخابگر فركانس سه بعدي هرمي شكل Conference
شبيه سازي و بهينه سازي تقويت كننده ي فيبري ايتربيوم توان بالا براي پالس هاي نانوثانيه Conference
Design and Simulation of a Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna Using EBG Structure Conference
Survey of Temporal Basis Functions for Transient Scattering by Conducting Cylinders Using TD-EFIE Formulation-TM Case Conference
Power Consumption Management Adiabatic Designed Wire of Quantum Cellular Automata Conference
طراحي انتقال دهنده ي فاز ميكرو استريپي باند عريض با استفاده از كوپلر لنج Conference
Modified Physical Optics Approximation and Physical Theory of Diffraction for RCS Calculation of Dielectric Coated PEC Conference
A New Approach for Transient Scattering of Infinite Conducting Cylinders TE Case Conference
A New IR-UWB Pulse to mitigate coexistence issues of UWB and Narrowband systems Conference
Modified Physical Optics Approximation for RCS Calculation of Dielectric Coated PEC with Axial Symmetry Conference