zeidabad@iut.ac.ir Office Dept of Elec & Comp Eng Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran Phone (+98) 31-33915376 Fax (+98) 31-33912451 Positions Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Interests Antennas and Propagation Microwave Passive and Active Devices and Circuits Semiconductor Devices and Circuits More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Neuromodulation effect of temporal interference stimulation based on network computational model 10.3389/fnhum.2024.1436205 Journal Investigating orbital angular momentum modes in multimode interference (MMI) waveguides and revealing their mode conversion property 10.1038/s41598-024-72176-7 Journal Ultra-broadband and high extinction ratio polarization splitter based on triple-tapered directional couplers 10.1038/s41598-024-67578-6 Journal Scattered Field Calculation From Microstrip Arrays Using the Combination of Discrete Bodies of Revolution and Domain Decomposition Methods # Journal An investigation on the effect of acid dyes as dopants on the electrical conductivity and heat generation of polypyrrole coated polyester fabric # Journal Fabrication and Characterization of Polypropylene/Aluminum Fibers for Wearable Applications in the Infrared Region 10.1007/s12221-023-00297-3 Journal Mode Conversion between Beams Carrying Orbital Angular Momentum with Opposite Topological Charges using Two-Dimensional Multimode Interference Waveguides # Journal Passive radiative personal heating by woven fabrics containing aluminum particles # Journal A Direct Method to Design Microwave Amplifer # Journal Removal of scan blindness of phased array antenna using fourth-order Hilbert curved EBG structure 10.1080/09205071.2020.1775713 Journal