
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
The Effect of Foliar-Applied Manganese in Mineral and Complex Forms with Amino Acids on Certain Defense Mechanisms of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Against Powdery Mildew 10.1007/s00344-017-9747-x Journal
Assessment, mapping, and management of health risk from nitrate accumulation in onion for Iranian population 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.06.016 Journal
مقايسه تأثير تغذيه برگي سولفات روي و آمينوكلات روي-ليزين بر شاخص هاي رشد پياز بهبهان 10.22059/ijswr.2017.231268.667662 Journal
بررسي خطرپذيري نيترات در اندامهاي خوراكي برخي محصولات كشاورزي استان اصفهان # Journal
تاثير سولفات و آمينواسيدهاي استخراج شده از پودر خون بر غني سازي سلنيوم، عملكرد و تندي پياز # Journal
The effects of foliar applied potassium in the mineral form and complexed with amino acids on pistachio nut yield and quality 10.1080/03650340.2018.1439580 Journal
تأثير قارچ اندوفايت Piriformospora indica بر عملكرد وزن خشك ريشه و شاخساره و جذب روي و آهن توسط گندم در يك خاك آهكي # Journal
Bioavailability of coated and uncoated ZnO nanoparticles to cucumber in soil with or without organic matter 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.06.074 Journal
Physiological characteristics of Plantago major under SO2 exposure as affected by foliar iron spray 10.1007/s11356-017-9457-8 Journal
Fractionation and bioavailability of zinc (Zn) in the rhizosphere of two wheat cultivars with different Zn deficiency tolerance 10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.08.019 Journal
Physiological effects of repeated foliar application of magnetite nanoparticles on maize plants 10.1111/jac.12208 Journal
Growth quality and physiological characteristics of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii L.) cut flowers in response to different NO3 NH4 ratios 10.1007/s13580-017-0067-7 Journal
Root uptake and xylem transport of cadmium in wheat and triticale as affected by exogenous amino acids # Journal
تاثير زئوليت و بنتونيت بر دسترسي زيستي روي، كادميم و سرب در يك خاك آلوده تحت كشت آفتابگردان # Journal
Response of wheat genotypes to foliar spray of ZnO and Fe2O3 nanoparticles under salt stress # Journal
Plasma membrane ATPase and H+ transport activities of microsomal membranes from wheat roots under Ni deficiency conditions as affected by exogenous histidine 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2016.12.009 Journal
اثر سه نوع محلول غذايي تجاري بر عملكرد و كيفيت دو رقم گل شاخه بريده ژربرا (Gerbera jamesonii L.) در سيستم كشت بدون خاك # Journal
Effects of nickel on zinc uptake and translocation in two wheat cultivars differing in zinc efficiency 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2016.11.009 Journal
Influence of foliar-applied zinc in the form of mineral and complexed with amino acids on yield and nutritional quality of onion under field conditions 10.1016/j.scienta.2017.01.014 Journal
The Effect of Cadmium Toxicity and Silicon Supplementation on the Activity of Antioxidative Enzymes and the Concentration of Zinc and Iron in Hydroponically Grown Cucumber 10.1080/00103624.2016.1253720 Journal