اثر لجن فاضلاب كارخانه پلي اكريل، كمپوست زباله شهري و كود گاوي بر ويژگي هاي خاك و عملكرد ذرت دانه اي |
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وضعيت تغذيه اي خيار و فلفل دلمه اي گلخانه اي در استان اصفهان |
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Reclamation of a petroleum-contaminated calcareous soil using phytostimulation |
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تاثير افزودن بنتونيت به بسترهاي مختلف كاشت بر رشد رويشي و عملكرد لوبيا سبز (Phaseulus vulgaris L.) |
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تاثير پتاسيم و كلسيم بر پاسخ گلرنگ به شوري ناشي از كلريد سديم در محيط آبكشت |
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Effects of sewage sludge animal manure compost and cadmium chloride on cadmium accumulation in corn and alfalfa |
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ارزيابي عملكرد، اجزا عملكرد و برخي صفات زراعي در جوهاي دو رديفه و شش رديفه |
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Crop effects on lead fractionation in a soil treatd with lead organic and inorganic sources |
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تاثير لجن فاضلاب و كمپوست زباله شهري و كود گاوي بر رشد و عملكرد و جذب آهن، روي و نيكل در گل جعفري |
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Transport of zinc copper and lead in a sewage sludge amended calcareous soil |
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Effects of zinc activity in nutrient solution on uptake translocation and root export of cadmium and zinc in three wheat genotypes with different zinc efficiencies |
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Effect of dynamic unequal distribution of salts in the root environment on performance and Crop Per Drop (CPD) of hydroponic-grown tomato |
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Kinetics of zinc release from ground tire rubber and rubber ash in a calcareous soil as alternatives to Zn fertilizers |
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Yield Response of Corn to Single and Combined Application of Cattle Manure and Urea |
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Nickel supplementation effect on the growth urease activity and urea and nitrate concentrations in lettuce supplied with different nitrogen sources |
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The role of organic and inorganic fractions of cow manure and biosolids on lead sorption |
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اثر كود گاوي، لجن فاضلاب و كلريد كادميم بر جذب كادميم در شاخسار ذرت |
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Mobility and plant-availability of Cd(II) and Pb(II) adsorbed on zeolite and bentonite |
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Micronutrient status of calcareous paddy soils and rice produts implication for human health |
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توانايي گياه جو (Hordeum vulgare L) در جذب پتاسيم از ميكاهاي دي و تري اكتاهدرال |
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