
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Introducing Self Oscillating Technique for a Soft Switched LED Driver NULL 1397 05 Journal
A New Interleaved Coupled Inductor Nonisolated Soft Switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converter With High Voltage Gain Ratio NULL 1397 04 Journal
Dynamic model development and control for multipleoutput flyback converters in DCM and CCM NULL 1397 03 Journal
A Dual-Switch Discontinuous Current-Source Gate Driver for a Narrow On-Time Buck Converter NULL 1397 02 Journal
Analysis of a New Single-Stage Soft-Switching Power-Factor-Correction LED Driver With Low DC-Bus Voltage NULL 1397 02 Journal
Unity power factor three-phase ACDCconverter applying two switch DCM SEPICconverter with coupled inductor NULL 1397 02 Journal
Bridgeless Buck PFC Rectifier with Improved Power Factor NULL 1396 12 Journal
A Nonisolated Ultrahigh Step Down DC-DC Converter with Low Voltage Stress NULL 1396 11 Journal
Micro-inverter based on single ended primary inductance converter topology with an active clamp power decoupling NULL 1396 10 Journal
ZVT Resonant Core Reset Forward Converter With a Simple Auxiliary Circuit NULL 1396 10 Journal
Soft switching bidirectional DCDC converter with high voltage conversion ratio NULL 1396 10 Journal
Analysis and Implementation of a New Single Switch High Voltage Gain DC-DC Converter with a Wide CCM Operation Range and Reduced Components Voltage Stress NULL 1396 10 Journal
Soft switching DC-DC Cuk converter operating in discontinuous capacitor voltage mode NULL 1396 08 Journal
High voltage gain interleaved DC-DC converter with minimum current ripple NULL 1396 08 Journal
Quasi resonant DC link H5 PV inverter NULL 1396 07 Journal
A Single Stage Single Switch Soft Switching Power Factor Correction LED Driver NULL 1396 07 Journal
A Discontinuous Current Source Gate Driver With Gate Voltage Boosting Capability NULL 1396 04 Journal
Family of soft switching pulse width modulation converters using coupled passive snubber NULL 1396 04 Journal
Efficiency improvement of integrated synchronous buck converter using body biasing for ultra-low-voltage applications 10.1016/j.mejo.2017.03.007 1396 02 Journal
Single-stage soft-switched PWM flyback power factor correction with reduced dead angle NULL 1396 02 Journal