e.adib@iut.ac.ir Office Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Phone +98 313 3915465 Fax +98 313 3912451 Positions Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Research Interests DC-DC Converters and Applications Soft Switching Techniques More Articles type: Journal Title DOI Year Month type Design and preparation of an electromechanical implant prototype for an on-demand drug delivery - 1402 12 Journal Very high step-down coupled inductor two-phase buck converter with single magnetic element and inherent clamp voltage capability - 1402 11 Journal High step up DC-DC converter with low conduction losses and reduced switching losses - 1402 10 Journal High Step-Up DC-DC Converter by Integration of Active Switched Inductors, Built in Transformer, and Multipliers - 1402 08 Journal Zero-Voltage-Switching High-Step-Down Buck Converter With Continuous Output Current - 1402 07 Journal A novel non-isolated step-down converter with low switch voltage stress - 1402 07 Journal Single-Switch Soft-Switched High-Step-Down Converter With Self-Driven Synchronous Rectifier 10.1109/TIE.2023.3314920 1402 06 Journal A Soft-Switching Bridgeless Buck-Boost Power Factor Correction Converter With Simple Auxiliary Circuit and Low Input Current THD - 1402 05 Journal A non-isolated step-up common-ground cost-effective microinverter for AC-module application - 1402 04 Journal A Single-Switch Soft-Switched High Step-Down Zeta Converter With Low Output Current Ripple - 1402 01 Journal