
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
مبدل اصلاح ضريب توان باك و فوروارد - فلاي بك با اعوجاج هارمونيكي پايين NULL 1398 07 Journal
A Soft-Switching Step-Down PFC Converter with High Power Factor Using Auxiliary Flyback Circuit NULL 1398 06 Journal
بررسي و تحليل يك مبدل چند ورودي كليد زني نرم جديد جهت استفاده براي منابع انرژي تجديدپذير NULL 1398 04 Journal
Analysis, Design, and Implementation of DC-DC IBBC-DAHB Converter With Voltage Matching to Improve Efficiency NULL 1398 04 Journal
A New Wireless Power-Transfer Circuit for Retinal Prosthesis NULL 1398 04 Journal
Non-isolated interleaved bidirectional DC-DC converter with high step voltage ratio and minimum number of switches NULL 1398 03 Journal
Analysis and Implementation of High Step-Up DC/DC Convertor with Modified Super-Lift Technique NULL 1398 02 Journal
Single-Switch Soft-Switching LED Driver Suitable for Battery-Operated Systems NULL 1398 01 Journal
An ultra-high step-up non-isolated interleaved converter with low input current ripple NULL 1398 01 Journal
Soft-switched non-isolated high step-up multi-port DC-DC converter for hybrid energy system with minimum number of switches 10.1016/j.ijepes.2018.10.038 1397 12 Journal
Battery Operated Soft Switching Resonant Buck-Boost LED Driver With Single Magnetic Element NULL 1397 12 Journal
Integrated soft switching cell and clamp circuit for interleaved high-step-up converters NULL 1397 12 Journal
High-Step-Down DC-DC Converter with Continuous Output Current Using Coupled-Inductors 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2899951 1397 11 Journal
A Soft-Switching Step-Down PFC Converter With Output Voltage Doubler and High Power Factor NULL 1397 10 Journal
Soft-Switched Nonisolated HighStep-Down Converter NULL 1397 10 Journal
Three-phase ripple free DCM boost converter with low THD NULL 1397 10 Journal
Quasi-resonant DC-Link transformer-less structures for grid-connected PV systems NULL 1397 09 Journal
Ultra High-Step Up Non-Isolated Interleaved Boost Converter NULL 1397 09 Journal
Improved High Step-UpZ-Source DCDC Converter With Single Core and ZVT Operation NULL 1397 08 Journal
Non-isolated high step-up three-port converter with single magnetic element for photovoltaic systems NULL 1397 08 Journal