multivariate capability index(MCP) with presence of Gauge Measurment Errors |
Conference |
Experimental investigation of surface roughness in cylindrial wire electro discharge machining |
Conference |
طرح آماري نمودارهاي كنترلي توام X و S با سه بار نمونه گيري |
Conference |
The Effect of Gauge Measurment Errors on Multivariate Process Capability |
Conference |
experimental investigation of different parameters influnce in conical wire edm |
Conference |
The effect of dependency on the MRL function of redundant systems |
Conference |
New Parsimonious segmentation with combining Logistic regression and decision trees an application to indoustrial steel data |
Conference |
تركيب روشهاي مدلسازي لجستيك چندگانه و درخت تصميم در آناليز داده هاي رسته اي |
Conference |
بررسي قابليت اعتماد كيفيت كششي ورقهاي فولاد |
Conference |
نقش مديريت كيفيت جامع در موثر بودن استاندادهاي كيفيتي |
Conference |
تجزيه و تحليل پايائي خط توليد ناحيه نورد گرم مجتمع فولاد مباركه |
Conference |
approximate confidence limits for the reliability of series system |
Conference |
نقش روشهاي آماري در مهندسي قابليت اعتماد |
Conference |
consequences of departure from independanc in reliability models |
Conference |