
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Reliability optimization of series parallel systems with mixed redundancy strategy in sub systems # Journal
Modeling the Performance Properties on Woolen Hand-knotted Carpets using Response Surface Methodology # Journal
بررسي و شناسايي عوامل موثر بر طول عمر فر شهاي دست باف # Journal
An exat feature selection algorithem based on rough set theory # Journal
Modeliing and cost minimization of weight reduction process of a polyethylene terephthatlate fabric by sodium hydroxide # Journal
Case-based reasoning for classification in the mixed data sets employing the compound distance methods # Journal
A Bi-Level Neural- Based Fuzzy classification Approach for Credit Scoring Problem # Journal
Bi-objective redundancy allocation problem for a system with mixed repairable and non-repairable components # Journal
Reliability redundancy allocation problem with cold-standby redundancy strategy # Journal
System reliability optimization using time value of money # Journal
An Integrated Genetic- based Model of Naive Bayes Networks for Credit Scoring # Journal
Application of Taguchi and Full Factorial Experimental Design to Model the Color Yield of Cotton Fabric Dyed with Six Selected Direct Dyes # Journal
Application of Taguchi and Full Factorial Experimental Design to Model the Color Yield of Cotton Fabric Dyed with 6 Selected Direct Dyes # Journal
An Adjusted Decision Support System through Dada Mining and Multiple Criteria Deciosion Making # Journal
location - allocation problem for intra-transportation system in a big company by using meta-heuristic algorithm # Journal
A novel hybrid classification model of artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression models # Journal
A fuzzy intelligent approach to the classification problem in gene expression data analysis # Journal
Modified MCp in the Presence of Measurment Error # Journal
استراتژي بهينه نگهداري و تعميرات پيشگيرانه با رويكرد قابليت اعتماد براي كليد هاي فشار قوي در نيروگاه ها و پست هاي فشار قوي # Journal
Urban planning with the aid of factor analysis approach The case of Isfahan Municipality # Journal