Graduate Students

Graduate Students

  • PhD. Students :

    1. E. Yavari
    2. M. Zeraatpishe
    3. M. Mousavi (Co-supervised with A. Zaghian)
    4. A. Kamali
  • M.Sc. Students :

    1. S. Nikandish
    2. L. Yarmohamadi
    3. O. Shafiei
    4. F. Asadabadi
  • Completed by Thesis :


    Morteza Esmaeili- List of Publications

    Journal Papers

    1. M. Najafian, M.H. Tadayon, M. Esmaeili, Construction of Strongly Mutually Distinct Sudoku Tables and Solid Sudoku Cubes by Cyclotomic Cosets, IEEE Transactions on Games, Available online (11/13/2018), DOI 10.1109/TG.2018.2880953.

    Translated Books


    1. Introduction to Cryptography (By J.A. Buchmann; Springer 2001; ISBN 0-387-95034-6);
      Translated by M. Esmaeili; Isfahan University of Technology's Press, 2003.

    2. A First Course in Discrete Mathematics (By Ian Anderson; Springer 2001; ISBN 1-85233- 236-0);
      Translated by M. Esmaeili; Isfahan University of Technology's Press, 2004.

    3. Information and Coding Theory (By G.A. Jones and J.M. Jones; Springer 2000; ISBN 1-85233622-6);