
Morteza Esmaeili- List of Publications

Journal Papers

  1. M. Najafian, M.H. Tadayon, M. Esmaeili, Construction of Strongly Mutually Distinct Sudoku Tables and Solid Sudoku Cubes by Cyclotomic Cosets, IEEE Transactions on Games, Available online (11/13/2018), DOI 10.1109/TG.2018.2880953.

  2. A. Saleh, M. Esmaeili, Some classes of quasi-twisted codes over fnite chain rings, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (JAMC), Vol. 57, Issue 1--2, pp. 629--646, June 2018.

  3. A. Saleh, M. Esmaeili, On complementary dual quasi-twisted codes, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (JAMC), Vol. 56, pp. 115--129, February 2018.

  4. M. Rekab-Eslami, M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver, Multicast Convolutional Network Codes via Local Encoding Kernels, IEEE Access, Vol. 5, pp. 6464--6470, May 2017.

  5. V. Samadi, M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver, Construction of MDS Convolutional Error-correcting Network Codes Over Cyclic Networks, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 65, No. 6, pp. 2305--2318, June 2017.

  6. M. Rekab-Eslami, M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver, Generic Linear Network Code Construction Using Transversal Matroids, IEEE Commun. Letters, 21(3): pp. 448--451, March 2017.

  7. V. Samadi, M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver, Some Connections Between Classical Coding and Network Coding over Erroneous Cyclic Networks, IEEE Access, Vol. 4, 2016, pp. 5889--5895.

  8. V. Samadi, M. Esmaeili, Ring-based Linear Network Coding on Erroneous Cyclic Networks, IET Commun., Vol. 10, Iss. 18, pp. 2582--2590, 2016.

  9. M. Rekab-Eslami, M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver, A fast algorithm to construct a representation for transversal matroids, Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math., Vol. 33, pp. 207--226, January 2016.

  10. M. Esmaeili, M. Moosavi, T.A. Gulliver, A New Class of Fibonacci Sequence based Error Correcting Codes, Cryptogr. Commun., Published online: 21 January 2016. Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 379--396, May 2017.

  11. M. Esmaeili, M. Najafian, T.A. Gulliver, Structured quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes based on cyclotomic cosets, IET Commun., Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 541--547, March 2015.

  12. M. Esmaeili, M. Ahmadi, T.A. Gulliver, Recursive method for generating column weight-3 low-density parity-check codes based on three-partite graphs, IET Commun., Vol. 8, No. 17, pp. 3202--3213, Nov. 2014.

  13. M. Gholami, M. Esmaeili, M. Samadieh, Quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes based on finite set systems, IET Commun., Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 1837--1849, 2014.

  14. M. Esmaeili, A. Alampour, and T.A. Gulliver, Decoding Binary Linear Block Codes Using Local Search, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 2138--2145, June 2013.

  15. H. Falsafain and M. Esmaeili, Construction of Structured Regular LDPC Codes: A Design-Theoretic Approach, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 61, No. 5, pp. 1640--1647, May 2013.

  16. S. Mosayyebpour, M. Esmaeili, and T.A. Gulliver, Single-Microphone Early and Late Reverberation Suppression in Noisy Speech, IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 21, pp. 322--335, 2013.

  17. M. Esmaeili and M. Javedankherad, 4-cycle free LDPC codes based on difference sets, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 60, No. 12, pp. 3579--3586, Dec. 2012.

  18. A. Keshavarz, S. Mosayyebpour, M. Biguesh, T.A. Gulliver, and M. Esmaeili, Speech-Model Based Accurate Blind Reverberation Time Estimation Using an LPC Filter, IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1884-1893, Aug. 2012.

  19. S. Mosayyebpour, H. Sheikhzadeh, T.A. Gulliver and M. Esmaeili, Single-Microphone LP Residual Skewness-Based Approach for Inverse Filtering of the Room Impulse Response, IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 20, pp. 1617-–1632, July 2012.

  20. M. Gholami and M. Esmaeili, Maximum-girth Cylinder-type Block-circulant LDPC Codes, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 952--962, April 2012.

  21. H. Falsafain and M. Esmaeili, A New Construction of Structured Binary Regular LDPC Codes Based on Steiner Systems With Parameter t>2, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 74--80, Jan. 2012.

  22. M. Esmaeili, M. Salahian and M.H. Tadayon, Two-dimensional Multiplicative Arrays over Zq-1 and Girth-6 q-ary QC-LDPC Codes based on Quadratic-residues modulo p<q, Int J Electron Commun (AEUE), Vol. 65, No. 12, pp. 1069-1072, 2011.

  23. M. Esmaeili and Z. Hooshmand, The Stopping Distance of Binary BCH-code Parity-check Matrices, ARS Combinatoria, Vol. 101, pp. 459--466, July 2011.

  24. M. Esmaeili, M.H. Tadayon and T.A. Gulliver, More on the stopping and minimum distances of array codes, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 59, No. 3, March 2011, pp. 750--757.

  25. M. Hivadi and M. Esmaeili, High Stopping-distance LDPC Product Codes based on Hamming and Finite Geometry Codes, ARS Combinatoria, Vol. 99, pp. 97--107, April 2011.

  26. Mostafa Esmaeili and Morteza Esmaeili, A Fibonacci-polynomial based coding method with error detection and correction, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 60, No. 10, Nov. 2010, pp. 2738–-2752.

  27. R. Sobhani and M. Esmaeili, Some Constacyclic and Cyclic Codes Over Fq[u]/<ut+1>, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E93-A, No. 4, pp. 808--813, April 2010.

  28. M. Esmaeili, M.H. Tadayon and T.A. Gulliver, Low-Complexity Girth-8 High-Rate Moderate Length QC LDPC Codes, Int J Electron Commun (AEU), Vol. 64, No. 4, 2010, pp. 360--365.

  29. M. Esmaeili and M. Gholami, Structured Quasi-cyclic LDPC Codes with Girth 18 and Column-weight J≥3, Int J Electron Commun (AEU), Vol. 64, No. 4, 2010, pp. 360--365.

  30. M. Esmaeili and M.J. Amoshahi, On the Stopping distance of Array Code Parity-check Matrices, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. 55, No. 8, August 2009, pp.3488-3493.

  31. R. Sobhani and M. Esmaeili , Cyclic and Negacyclic Codes Over The Galois Ring GR(p2,m), Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157/13 (2009) pp. 2892-2903. doi:10.1016/j.dam.2009.03.001.

  32. M. Esmaeili and M. Gholami, Geometrically-structured Maximum-girth LDPC Block and Convolutional Codes, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Vol. 27, No. 6, August 2009, pp. 831-845.

  33. M. Khosravifard, M. Esmaeili and H. Saidi, Extension of the Lasserre-Avrachenkov Theorem on the Integral of Multilinear Forms over Simplices, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 212/1 (2009) pp. 94--99. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2009.02.005.

  34. M. Esmaeili and V. Ravanmehr, Two Classes of Optimal Stopping Redundancy Codes, ARS Combinatoria, 92 (2009), pp. 463--471.

  35. M. Esmaeili and S. Yari, Generalized Quasi-cyclic Codes: Structural Properties and Code Construction, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing, AAECC (2009) 20:159--173. doi: 10.1007/s00200-009-0095-3.

  36. M. Esmaeili and S. Yari, On Complementary-dual Quasi-cyclic Codes, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 15 (2009), pp. 375--386.

  37. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver and A. Kakhbod, The Golden mean, Fibonacci Matrices and Partial Weakly Super-increasing Sources, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 42 (2009), pp. 435–-440, doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2009.01.007.

  38. M. Esmaeili and M.H. Tadayon, A Lattice-based Systematic Recursive Construction of Quasi-cyclic LDPC Codes, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 57, No. 10, October 2009.

  39. R. Sobhani and M. Esmaeili, A note on length-pk cyclic codes over GR(p2,m), Finite Fields and Their Applications, 15 (2009) pp.387--391.

  40. Morteza Esmaeili and Mostafa Esmaeili, Polynomial Fibonacci-Hessenberg Matrices, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41 (2009), pp. 2820-2827. doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2008.10.012

  41. M. Khosravifard, M. Esmaeili, H. Saidi and T.A. Gulliver, Encoding of Finite Sources with Ranked Probabilities, Int J Electron Commun (AEU) (2008), doi: 10.1016/j.aeue.2008.09.002

  42. M. Esmaeili and A. Zaghian, On Covering Radius of a Family of Codes Cm∪(1+Cm) with Maximum Distance Between Cm and 1 + Cm, Utilitas Mathematica, Vol. 78, March 2009, pp. 151-158.

  43. M. Esmaeili and M. Gholami, Type-III LDPC Convolutional Codes, Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 85-93, 2009.

  44. M. Esmaeili and A. Zaghian, On the Combinatorial Structure of a Class of [C(m, 2), C(m-1, 2), 3] Shortened Hamming codes and Their Dual-codes , Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 157, pp. 356-363, Jan. 2009.

  45. M. Esmaeili and A. Zaghian, Covering Radius of Binary Codes having Parity-check Matrices with Constant-weight Columns, Utilitas Mathematica, Vol. 77, pp. 225-233, Nov. 2008.

  46. M. Esmaeili and M. Gholami, Maximum-girth Slope-based Quasi-cyclic (2, k ≥ 5) - LDPC Codes , IET Communications (formerly IEE Proceedings-Communications), Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 1251-1262, Nov. 2008.

  47. M. Esmaeili, A. Kakhbod and T.A. Gulliver, On Finite Antiuniform Probability Distributions, Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 169-175, 2008.

  48. M. Hivadi and M. Esmaeili, On the Stopping Distance and Stopping Redundancy of Product Codes, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences , Vol. E91-A, No. 8, pp. 2167-2173, Aug. 2008.

  49. M. Esmaeili, Construction of Binary Minimal Product Parity-check Matrices, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 339-348, Aug. 2008.

  50. M. Esmaeili, On Full-rank Parity-check Matrices of Product Codes, Utilitas Mathematica, Vol. 76, pp. 3-10, July 2008.

  51. M. Esmaeili and V. Ravanmehr, Stopping Sets of Binary Parity-check Matrices with Constant Weight Columns and Stopping Redundancy of the Associated Codes, Utilitas Mathematica, Vol. 76, pp. 265-276, July 2008.

  52. M. Esmaeili and M.H. Tadayon, A Novel Approach to Generating Long LDPC Codes Using Two Configurations, IET Communications (formerly IEE Proceedings-Communications), Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 587-597, April 2008.

  53. M. Esmaeili, On the Weakly Superincreasing Distributions and the Fibonacci Hessenberg Matrices, ARS Combinatoria, Vol. 84, pp. 217-224, Aug. 2007.

  54. M. Esmaeili and M. Hivadi, G-projectable and Λ-projectable Binary Linear Block Codes , Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol. 45, pp. 51-64, 2007.

  55. M. Esmaeili and A. Kakhbod, On Information Theory Parameters of Infinite Antiuniform Sources, IET Communications (formerly IEE Proceedings-Communications), Vol. 1, pp. 1039-1041, October 2007.

  56. M. Esmaeili and T.A. Gulliver, On the Quaternary Projection of Binary Linear Block Codes, ARS Combinatoria, Vol. 85, pp. 319-329, October 2007.

  57. M. Esmaeili and T.A. Gulliver, On the [32, 16, 8] BCH and Quadratic Residue Codes, Australasian Journal on Combinatorics , Vol. 37, pp. 257-264, 2007.

  58. M. Khosravifard, H. Saidi, M. Esmaeili and T.A. Gulliver, The Minimum Average Code for Finite Memoryless Monotone Sources, IEEE Transactions On Information Theory, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 955-975, March 2007.

  59. M. Esmaeili, More on the Fibonacci Sequence and Hessenberg Matrices, Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 6 (2006), #A32.

  60. M. Esmaeili, M.R. Yazdani and T.A. Gulliver, Optimal Binary Linear Codes Containing the [6, 5, 2]⊗[3, 1, 3] Product Code , ARS Combinatoria, Vol. 75, pp. 2-11, April 2005.

  61. M. Esmaeili and T.A. Gulliver, On the Structure of Optimal Linear Block Codes of Length a Multiple of 4 and d = 4, ARS Combinatoria, Vol. 74, pp. 25-31, January 2005.

  62. W. Li, T.A. Gulliver and M. Esmaeili, A New CDMA/SDMA Structure with Transmit Diversity, Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 29, No.1/2, pp. 43-49, January/April 2004.

  63. M. Khosravifard, M. Esmaeili, H. Saidi and T.A. Gulliver, A Tree Based Algorithm for Generating All Possible Binary Compact Codes with N Codewords, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences , Vol. E86-A, No. 10, pp. 2510-2516, October 2003.

  64. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver and A.K. Khandani, On the Pless-construction and Maximum-Likelihood Decoding of (48,24,12) quadratic residue code, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 1527-1535, June 2003.

  65. A.K. Khandani and M. Esmaeili, Successive Minimization of the State Complexity of the Self-dual Lattices Using Korkin-Zolotarev Reduced Basis, Journal of Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, Vol 24, No. 2, pp. 145-158, October 2001.

  66. M. Esmaeili and A.K. Khandani, Acyclic Tanner Graphs and Maximum-Likelihood Decoding of Linear Block Codes, IEE Proceedings on Communications, Vol. 147, No.6, pp. 322-332, December 2000.

  67. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver and N.P. Secord, The Minimal Generator Matrix of a Vector Space, Journal of Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing , Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-14, Aug. 1999.

  68. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver, N.P. Secord and Samy A. Mahmoud, A Link Between Quasi-Cyclic Codes and Convolutional Codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 44, NO. 1, pp. 431-435, Jan. 1998.

  69. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver and N.P. Secord, Quasi-Cyclic Structure of Reed-Muller Codes and Their Smallest Regular Trellis Diagram, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 43, NO. 3, pp. 1040-1052, May 1997.

  70. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver and N.P. Secord, Trellis complexity of linear block codes via atomic codewords , Information Theory and Applications II, Proceedings of 4th Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1133, pp. 130-148, Sept. 1996.

Conference Papers

  1. S. Mosayyebpour, H. Lohrasbipeydeh, M. Esmaeili and T.A. Gulliver, Time delay estimation via minimum-phase and all-pass component processing, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process., pp. 4285--4289, May 2013.

  2. S. Mosayyebpour, T.A. Gulliver, M. Esmaeili, Single-Microphone Speech Enhancement by Skewness Maximization and Spectral Subtraction, International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC 2012), Aachen, Germany, Sept. 4- Sept. 6, 2012. Page(s): 1 - 4

  3. M. Esmaeili, M. Esmaeili and T.A. Gulliver, High-rate Fibonacci polynomial codes, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory, ISIT2011., July 31-Aug. 5, 2011, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

  4. M. Khosravifard, M. Esmaeili, H. Saidi and T.A. Gulliver, A Class of Average Distributions for Monotone Sources, Proc. Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory & Applic., pp.172-176, Oct. 2006.

  5. M. Khosravifard, H. Saidi, M. Esmaeili and T.A. Gulliver, The Average Performance of the Minimax Code, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, pp. 587-591, July 2006.

  6. M. Esmaeili, The Minimal Product Parity-check Matrix and its Application, Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Commun. ICC2006, pp. 1113-1118, June 2006.

  7. M. Esmaeili and A. Kakhbod, On Antiuniform and Partially Antiuniform Sources, Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Commun. ICC2006, pp. 1611-1615, June 2006.

  8. M. Gholami and M. Esmaeili, On the Girth of Structured Regular LDPC Codes, Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC2005, pp. 910{914, Sept. 2005.

  9. M. Esmaeili, A. Kakhbod and T.A. Gulliver, Representation of antiuniform and partially antiuniform Huffman codes, Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Commun., Computers and Signal Processing, pp. 197-200, Aug. 2005.

  10. M. Esmaeili and A. Kakhbod, On Anti-uniform Sources: Expected Codeword length and Entropy, International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST2005, pp. 459-463, Sept 2005.

  11. M. Esmaeili, On Minimal Tanner Graph of Product Codes, International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST2005, pp. 341-346, Sept 2005.

  12. M. Esmaeili, M.R. Yazdani and T.A. Gulliver, On the structure of the binary (18,9,6) linear code, Proc. IEEE Inform. Theory Workshop, pp. 62-65, Mar. 2003.

  13. A. Shafieinezhad, F. Hendesi and M. Esmaeili,, Completion of FDE structure by designing strong S-boxes, Proc. The 11th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2003), April 2003.

  14. M. Khosravifard, T.A. Gulliver, M. Esmaeili and H. Saidi, The Minimum Average Code for Finite Memoryless Monotone Sources, Proc. IEEE Inform. Theory Workshop, pp. 135-138, Oct. 2002.

  15. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver and N.P. Secord, Generalized Concatenated Codes with Quasi-Cyclic Codes as Outer Codes, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory, pp. 345, June 1997.

  16. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver, N.P. Secord and S.A. Mahmoud, A Link Between Quasi-Cyclic Codes and Convolutional Codes, Proc. Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory & Applic., pp. 819-822, Sept. 1996.

  17. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver and N.P. Secord, Permutations and Quasi-Cyclic Codes, Proc. Queen's Symp. Commun., pp. 315-318, June 1996.

  18. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver and N.P. Secord, Canonical Representation of Quasi-Cyclic Codes, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory, pp. 348, Sept. 1995.

  19. M. Esmaeili, T.A. Gulliver and N.P. Secord, Trellis Complexity of Linear Block Codes via Atomic Codewords, Book of Abstracts, Canadian Workshop on Inform. Theory, pp. 20, May 1995.