Dr. Hamid R. Safavi

Room #307, Department of Civil Engineering
+98 311 3913826
+98 311 3912700
Professor, Civil Engineering Department
Interested In
Integrated Water Resources Management
Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater
Groundwater Modeling and Management
Drought Assessment and Management
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
A fusion-based framework for daily flood forecasting in multiple-step-ahead and near-future under climate change scenarios: a case study of the Kan River, Iran 10.1007/s11069-024-06528-x 1403 01 Journal
Extraction of intensity-duration for short-term extreme rainfalls from daily and yearly extreme rainfalls using copula functions 10.1007/s00704-024-04972-0 1403 01 Journal
Water Supply Sustainability Revisited: Assessment Methodology for Multiple Water Resources 10.1061/JWRMD5.WRENG-6072 1402 09 Journal
Evaluation of management scenarios for land subsidence reduction and groundwater rehabilitation in Damane-Daran plain, Iran 10.1016/j.gsd.2023.100995 1402 08 Journal
توسعه شاخص خشكسالي در حوضه هاي طبيعي و مهندسي مطالعه موردي: حوضه آبريز زاينده رود) 10.22034/IWRR.2023.173579 1402 07 Journal
Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Analysis under CMIP6 Scenarios by ANFIS; Case Study: Zayandehrud River 1402 07 Conference سيزدهمين كنگره بين المللي مهندسي عمران
A signaling game model for evaluating water allocation competitiveness with information asymmetry environment, case study: Zayandehrud River Basin, Iran 10.1007/s10668-023-03989-1 1402 07 Journal
تحليل همزمان مصرف ماهانه آب، دماي هوا و فشار شبكه آبرساني با استفاده از توابع كوپلا، مطالعه موردي: منطقه يك شهر اصفهان 10.22112/JWWSE.2022.333542.1312 1402 04 Journal
GMO: geometric mean optimizer for solving engineering problems 10.1007/s00500-023-08202-z 1402 01 Journal
شاخص يكپارچه براي ارزيابي خشكسالي در استان اصفهان - 1402 01 Journal