A copula-based multivariate flood frequency analysis under climate change effects |
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A fusion-based framework for daily flood forecasting in multiple-step-ahead and near-future under climate change scenarios: a case study of the Kan River, Iran |
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Extraction of intensity-duration for short-term extreme rainfalls from daily and yearly extreme rainfalls using copula functions |
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Water Supply Sustainability Revisited: Assessment Methodology for Multiple Water Resources |
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Evaluation of management scenarios for land subsidence reduction and groundwater rehabilitation in Damane-Daran plain, Iran |
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A signaling game model for evaluating water allocation competitiveness with information asymmetry environment, case study: Zayandehrud River Basin, Iran |
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توسعه شاخص خشكسالي در حوضه هاي طبيعي و مهندسي مطالعه موردي: حوضه آبريز زاينده رود) |
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تحليل همزمان مصرف ماهانه آب، دماي هوا و فشار شبكه آبرساني با استفاده از توابع كوپلا، مطالعه موردي: منطقه يك شهر اصفهان |
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GMO: geometric mean optimizer for solving engineering problems |
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شاخص يكپارچه براي ارزيابي خشكسالي در استان اصفهان |
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Assessing the changeability of precipitation patterns using multiple remote sensing data and an efficient uncertainty method over different climate regions of Iran |
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Diversity-Based Evolutionary Population Dynamics: A New Operator for Grey Wolf Optimizer |
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بررسي اثرات سناريو هاي مديريتي در برابر تغييرات اقليمي بر اندركنش رودخانه و آبخوان، مطالعه موردي: زيرحوضه لنانات |
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Comparison between bivariate and trivariate flood frequency analysis using the Archimedean copula functions, a case study of the Karun River in Iran |
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An improved MOPSO algorithm for multi-objective optimization of reservoir operation under climate change |
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Maximizing Sustainability in Reservoir Operation under Climate Change Using a Novel Adaptive Accelerated Gravitational Search Algorithm |
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An Enhanced Grey Wolf Optimizer with a Velocity-Aided Global Search Mechanism |
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Optimization of Water Distribution Networks Using a New Entropy-based Mixed Reliability Index and a Fuzzy-based Constraint Handling Technique |
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حداكثرسازي شاخص بهره وري اقتصادي آب در كشاورزي با كاربرد سطوح مختلف كم آبياري |
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Sustainable Conjunctive Water Use Modeling Using Dual Fitness Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm |
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