
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
On qualitative behavior of a closed loop quantized system # Journal
A Novel Approach for Model Verification in Durational Graphs Using Dioid Algebra # - Journal
Construction of continuous abstractions for discrete-time time-delay systems Conference
A simple Distributed Adaptive Consensus Tracking Control of High order Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems Conference
Cancellation of uncertain frequency disturbance acting on unknown time-delay plants Conference
Robust stabilization of switched linear systems via static state feedback and switching with dwell time Conference
Adaptive neural decentralized control for nonlinear large-scale systems Conference
Modeling and Simulation of an Off- Grid Wind Turbine with Considering Wind Shear and Tower Shadow Effects Conference
Regulation of SEIG Wind Turbine Speed by Using Fractional Order PID Controller Conference
Adaptive Neural Dynamic Surface Control of Nonlinear Time Delay Systems Conference
Trajectory Generation and Trajectory Tracking for a team of UAVs Conference
NULL Conference
Adaptive Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying State Delays Conference
Simultaneous Fault Detection and Control for Switched Linear Systems An LMI Approach Conference
Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network Controller for a class of Nonlinear Systems Conference
Trajectory Control for Low/Lift Re-entry Vehicles A Survey and Some new Results Conference
A new reconfigurable fault tolerant control design based on Laguerre series Conference
Robust adaptive actuator failure compensation controller for systems with unknown time-varying state delays Conference
Nonlinear Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) Identification and Control Using Recurrent Neural Network Trained Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm Conference
A new fuzzy control strategy for centrifugal compressor surge using CCV and TCV Conference