
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Quantification of the anomalous crystallization and soft magnetic properties of Fe-Si-B-P-Cu (Nanomet) by isothermal calorimetry # Journal
A novel approach for mechanical alloying amorphisation in magnetic Fe-Co alloy system # Journal
On structure and oxidation behavior of non-stoichiometric amorphous aluminum phosphate coating # Journal
On the insitu synthesis of (Fe,Cr)Al and (Fe,Cr)Al-Al2O3 nanostructured material # Journal
Nanoindentation behavior of nanostructured bulk (Fe,Cr)Al and (Fe,Cr)Al-Al2O3 nanocomposites # Journal
Preparation of amino silane magnetic nanocomposite by the sol-gel process and investigation of its antibacterial activity 10.1049/mnl.2018.5491 Journal
Non-isothermal nano-crystallization kinetics in amorphous Ni55Nb35Si10alloy # Journal
Synthesis and characterization of TiO2/Acrylic Acid-co-2-acrylamido-2-methyl propane sulfonic acid nanogel composite and investigation its self-healing performance in the epoxy coatings # Journal
Creation of a unique architectural structure of bioactive glass sub-micron particles incorporated in a polycaprolactone/gelatin fibrous mat; characterization, bioactivity and cellular evaluations # Journal
Structure-transmittance relationship in transparent ceramics # Journal
The effect of second phase particles on light transmission of ZnS/diamond nanocomposite # Journal
Synthesis and characterization of sol-gel derived non-stoichiometric aluminum phosphate coating # Journal
The effects of friction stir processing on the wear behavior of the cast AZ91C magnesium alloy # Journal
Evaluating oxidation behavior of amorphous aluminum phosphate coating # Journal
Effect of friction stir processing on corrosion behavior of cast AZ91C magnesium alloy # Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Al-Al3V and Al-(Al3V-Al2O3) Composite by Powder Metallurgy # Journal
The effect of slip casting and spark plasma sintering (SPS) temperature on the transparency of MgAl2O4 spinel # Journal
Evaluating the ability of separation and adsorption of SO2 by nano-CuO0Fe2O3/TiO2 in high concentrations and moderate temperatures # Journal
Bulk Al/Al3Zr composite prepared by mechanical alloying and hot extrusion for high temperatures applications # Journal
Physical mechanical and dry sliding wear propertiesof hybrid and non-hybrid Al-V nanocomposites produced by powder metallurgy # Journal