Frame-Based Humanoid Walking using Sequential Policy Gradient and Gyro Optimizing
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Contour-based Object Detection Using Max-Margin Hough Transform
Conference |
A New Approach for Ranking Inspired from Human s Behaviour
Conference |
Multi-Criteria Expertness based Cooperative Q-learning
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Plowing PSO A Novel Approach to Effectively Initializing Particle Swarm Optimization
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The Use of Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Video Concept Detection
Conference |
Building Detection from Aerial Images using Hough Transform and Intensity Information
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Cost calculation in bandwidth degradation schemes in cellular networks
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Analytical Model of Failure in LTE Networds
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Bandwidth Degradation for Dropping Rate Reduction in Cellular Networks
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Electronic Marker
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Evolving a Multiagent Coordination Strategy using Genetic Network Programming for Pursuit Domain
Conference |
Fabrication of A Biped Robot and Optimization of Its Kinematics Tragectories Based on Relative Coordinates and Bezier Splines
Conference |
A Hybrid Method for Robust Multiple Objects Tracking in a cluttered background
Conference |
Using a machine learning tool to generate adaptive experiments
Conference |
Image Analysis Identification of Color Displacement and Depth Change in Printing
Conference |
رويكردي جديد در بهبود دقت مكانيابي و نقشه سازي همزمان بااستفاده از نقشه نسبي
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دسته بندي داده هاي دورده اي با ابرمستطيل موازي محورهاي مختصات
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بازشناسي برخط حروف فارسي بر پايه مدل مخفي ماركف
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دانا - عاملي با قابليت درك و اجراي نوشتار فارسي
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