
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Effect of anti-vortex plates on critical submergence at a vertical intake # Journal
Free water surface oscillations in a closed rectangular basin with internal barriers # Journal
Fluctuation of air-water two-phase flow in horizontal and inclined water pipelines # Journal
Entrapped air in long water tunnels during transition from pressurized to free-surface flow regime # Journal
Oblique weir equation using incomplete self-similarity # Journal
Natural frequencies of seiche in basin with internal barriers # Journal
Three-dimensional Modelling of Flow in Curved Compound Open Channels Conference
Determination of discharge coefficient of triangular labyrinth side weirs with one and two cycles using the nonlinear PLS method Conference
Discharge coefficient of oblique labyrinth side weir Conference
Discharge capacity of conventional side weirs in supercritical conditions Conference
Effects of suction on flow characteristics around circular cylinders based on numerical modelling Conference
Application of image processing method in experimental modeling of one dimensional dam break wave Conference
Effect of Piano-Key shape inlet on critical submergence at a vertical pipe intake Conference
Estimating flow properties over free overfall using conformal mapping Conference
Risk based analysis of earth dam overtopping Vanak dam as a case study) Conference
Investigation of the Difference in Dam Break Modeling Approaches between 1-D and 2-D hydrodynamic Models Conference
The effect of netting dissipaters on increasing the efficiency of energy dissipation in vertical drops Conference
Flow over sharp-crested oblique weirs Conference
Pressure variation due to sudden rise of water head at water tunnels Conference
Experimental results of pressure variation in two-phase air-water flow in water tunnels Conference