Discharge coefficient of subsurface weirs
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Discharge coefficient of rectangular sharp-crested side weirs Part II Dominguez s method
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Experimental-analytical investigation of super- to subcritical flow transition without a hydraulic jump
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Discharge coefficient of rectangular sharp-crested side weirs Part I Traditional weir equation
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Discharge coefficient of a rectangular labyrinth weir
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Optimal Reservoir Operation Based on Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater Using Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
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Effects of anti-vortex plates on air entrainment by free vortex
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Boundary Shear Stress in Smooth Trapezoidal Open Channel Flows
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Natural Frequencies of Seiche in a Closed Trapezoidal Basin with Internal Barriers
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Analytical Solution for the Free Over-Fall Weir Flow Using Conformal Mapping and Potential Flow Theory
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Closure to Discharge coefficient for free and submerged flow over piano key weirs
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Influence of unsteady flow hydrograph shape on local scouring around bridge pier
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Threshold Submergence of Flow over PK Weirs
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Discharge coefficients for free and submerged flow over Piano Key weirs
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Hydraulic Performance of Labyrinth Side Weirs Using Vanes or Piles
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Application of neural networks and fuzzy logic models to long-shore sediment transport
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Clear-water scour around semi-elliptical abutments with armored beds
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Hydraulic Behaviour of Flow over an Oblique Weir
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Pressure Loss in a Horizontal Two-phase Slug Flow
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Analytical approach for flow over an oblique weir
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