A New 3-Level Converter for Switched Reluctance Motor Drive
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A New Isolated SEPIC Converter with Coupled Inductors for Photovoltaic Applications
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A Novel Soft Switching Bidriectional Coupled Inductor Buck-Boost Converter for Battery Discharging-Charging
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Zero-Current Transition Interleaved Boost Converter
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Analysis of A New Quasi Resonant DC Link Inverter
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New Converter for Switched Reluctance Motor Drive With Wide Speed Range Operation
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A New Interlaeaved ZCS PWM Boost Converter
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Analysis and Design of a High Efficiency Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Battery and Ultracapacitor Applications
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New Fully Soft Switched Bi-directional Converter for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Analysis and Control
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مبدل اصلاح ضريب توان باك و فوروارد - فلاي بك با اعوجاج هارمونيكي پايين
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بررسي و تحليل يك مبدل چند ورودي كليد زني نرم جديد جهت استفاده براي منابع انرژي تجديدپذير
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