Simulation of weld morphology during friction stir welding of aluminum- stainless steel joint
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A microstructure evaluation of different areas of resistance spot welding on ultra-high strength TRIP1100 steel
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Diffusion brazing of Ti6Al4V and AISI 304 an EBSD study and mechanical properties
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Corrosion Behavior of PEO Coatings Formed on AZ31 Alloy in Phosphate-Based Electrolytes with Calcium Acetate Additive
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Effect of bonding time on the joint properties of transient liquid phase bonding between Ti-6Al-4V and AISI 304
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The effect of bonding time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of transient liquid phase bonding between SAF 2507 and AISI 304
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Passivation of Zinc Anodes in Marine Conditions
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Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Pitting Corrosion and Intergranular Attack of 7075 Aluminum Alloy
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The sources of the micro stress and strain inhomogeneity in dual phase steels
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Effect of bonding temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V to AISI 304 transient liquid phase bonded joint
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Pitting corrosion susceptibility of friction stir welded lean duplex stainless steel joints
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Hot corrosion behavior of Cr-modified NiAl coatings on 310 stainless steel produced by a gas tungsten arc cladding process
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Fabrication and wear characterization of an A413/Ni Surface Metal Matrix Composite fabricated via Friction Stir Processing
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Corrosion protection of copper by silane sol gel coatings
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Corrosion behavior of friction stir welded lean duplex stainless steel
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A Corrosion Study of Grain-Refined 304L Stainless Steels Produced by the Martensitic Process
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The Effect of Erosion on Corrosion Protection Properties of Coal Tar Epoxy Coating
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Microstructure and corrosion behavior of multipass gas tungsten arc welded 304L stainless steel
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Micromechanical modelling of damage behaviour of Ti 6Al 4V
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Corrosion behavior of B titanium alloys for biomedical applications
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