
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Quasi-in vivo corrosion behavior of AZ31B Mg alloy with hybrid MWCNTs-PEO/PCL based coatings 10.1016/j.jma.2021.09.010 Journal
Photoelectrochemical Cathodic Protection of Stainless Steel using W- and Cr-Doped/Codoped TiO 2 Nanotube Thin Film Photoanodes 10.1149/1945-7111/ac1b05 Journal
Bilayer micro-arc oxidation-poly (glycerol sebacate) coating on AZ91 for improved corrosion resistance and biological activity # Journal
Effect of Bonding Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Joint Between Inconel 617 and Stainless Steel 310 10.1007/s13632-021-00748-4 Journal
Wear and Corrosion Behavior of Aluminate- and Phosphate-Based Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings with Polytetrafluoroethylene Nanoparticles on AZ80 Mg Alloy 10.1007/s11665-021-05803-3 Journal
Assessment of Microstructure and Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Multipass Gas Metal Arc Welded Al 5083-H321 Aluminum Alloy 10.1007/s13632-021-00737-7 Journal
Effect of Pulse Current Frequency on Microstructure and Hot Corrosion Behavior of Tungsten Inert Gas-Welded Joints of N155 Superalloy # Journal
Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of Friction Stir-Welded High-Strength Low -Alloy Steel 10.1007/s12666-021-02219-4 Journal
Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of Friction Stir-Welded High-Strength Low -Alloy Steel # Journal
Biotribology and biocorrosion of MWCNTs-reinforced PEO coating on AZ31B Mg alloy 10.1016/j.surfin.2020.100850 Journal
An assessment of microstructure and mechanical properties of inconel 601/ 304 stainless steel dissimilar weld 10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109970 Journal
Corrosion Characteristics of TiNbMoMnFe High Entropy Thin Film Deposited on AISI316L for Biomedical Applications 10.1007/s12540-020-00908-1 Journal
Study of Corrosion Behavior in Resistance Spot Welds of Thin Sheets of Zinc-Coated Interstitial-Free Steel 10.1007/s11665-021-05474-0 Journal
Electrophoretic deposition of chitosan-bioactive glass nanocomposite coatings on AZ91 Mg alloy for biomedical applications 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2020.105803 Journal
Corrosion of Binder Jetting Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel of Different Surface Finish 10.1149/1945-7111/abb6cd Journal
Corrosion and metal release investigations of selective laser melted 316L stainless steel in a synthetic physiological fluid containing proteins and in diluted hydrochloric acid 10.1016/j.electacta.2020.136748 Journal
Thin Niobium and Niobium Nitride PVD Coatings on AISI 304 Stainless Steel as Bipolar Plates for PEMFCs 10.3390/coatings10090889 Journal
Surface modified Ti6Al4V for enhanced bone bonding ability - Effects of silver and corrosivity at simulated physiological conditions from a corrosion and metal release perspective 10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108566 Journal
Photocatalytic activity and photo-electrochemical performance of trimetallic (Cu-Ni-Zn)/TiO2 coating on AISI 316L stainless steel for water treatment 10.1007/s00339-020-03550-1 Journal
Friction stir spot welding of TiO2 nanoparticle-reinforced interstitial free steel 10.1007/s10853-020-04838-6 Journal