
Conference Papers
Title DOI Date type
Estimation of Damped Oscilations Using Adaline Network Conference
Multiple Reference Frame Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Non-Sinusoidal Back EMF Using Adaptive Notch Filter Conference
A novel approach for ringdown detection using extended Kalman filter Conference
An Adaptive Linear Neural Network for Identification of Oscillatory Damped Signals Conference
A Resonant Controller with Robust Features for Digital Implementations at Low Sampling Frequency Conference
An Extended Kalman Filter for Identification of Biased Sinusoidal Signals Conference
A Phasor Measurement Algorithm Based on Phase-Locked Loop Conference
Control of Oscillatory Damped Disturbances-An Indirect Approach Conference
Monitoring and Measurement of Power Quality Indices Usnig an Adaptive Notch Filter Conference
Parameters Estimation of an Exponentially Damped Sinusoidal Signal Using Adaptive Identifier Conference
A signle-phase adaptive synchronization tool for grid-connected converters Conference
An adaptive notch filtering approach for harmonic and reactive current extraction in active power filters Conference
A nonlinear adaptive synchronization technique for single-phase grid-connected converters Conference
A real-time selective harmonic extraction approach based on adaptive notch filtering Conference
A Technique for Extracting Harmonics of Time-Varying Nature Conference
A Technique for Extracting Time-Varying Harmonics Based on an Adaptive Notch Filter Conference
Estimation of Power System Frequeny Using Adaptive Notch Filter Conference
طراحي سيستم كنترل مبتني بر بازخورد موقعيت و تخمين اختلال در تثبيت موقعيت ديناميكي شناورهاي دريايي # Journal
بهبود عملكرد فيلتر شكاف دار وفقي در تخمين فركانس سيگنالهاي تناوبي # Journal
پايدارسازي مقاوم سيستمهاي سوئيچينگ خطي با استفاده از فيدبك حالت مبتني بر رويتگر و سيگنال سوئيچ با حداقل زمان اقامت مشخص # Journal