
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Addressing DC Component in PLL and Notch Filter Algorithms # Journal
Robust Adaptive Frequency Estimation of Three-Phase Power Systems # Journal
Processing of Harmonics and Interharmonics Using an Adaptive Notch Filter # Journal
A real-time three-phase selective-harmonic-extraction approach for grid-connected converters # Journal
A real-time extraction of harmonic and reactive current in a nonlinear load for gridconnected converters # Journal
A fast and accurate synchronization technique for extraction of symmetrical components # Journal
A nonlinear adaptive synchronization technique for grid-connected distributed energy sources # Journal
Estimation of Power System Frequency Using an Adaptive Notch Filter # Journal
Estimation of n Frequencies Using Adaptive Notch Filter # Journal
Stability analysis of periodic orbit of an adaptive notch filter for frequency estimation of a periodic signal # Journal
Time-Domian Signal Analysis Using Adaptive Notch Filter # Journal
An Adaptive Notch Filter for Frequency Estimation of a Periodic Signal # Journal
Adaptive stabilization of an uncertain anti-stable wave PDE in an ODE's control path Conference
Rejection of sinusoidal disturbance of unknown frequency in linear systems with unknown input delay Conference
Higher derivatives Newton-based extremum seeking for constrainted inputs Conference
Multi-Agent Deployment Around a Source in the Plane Using Biased Extremum Seeking Conference
Damping of Electromechanical Oscillations Based on the Internal Model Principle Conference
Parameters Estimation of Delayed Sinusoidal Signals Using An EPLL-Based Approach Conference
Composition of Digital All-Pass Lattice Filter and Gradient Adaptive Filter for Amplitude and Delay Estimation of a Sinusoid With Unknown Frequency Conference
Cancellation of uncertain frequency disturbance acting on unknown time-delay plants Conference