
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Numerical simulation of a supercritical CO2 geothermosiphon # Journal
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Gas Absorption Process in a Randomly Packed Column for Toluene Absorption from Air # Journal
Chemical Recycling of Poly Ethylene Terephthalate Wastes # Journal
Numerical Study of Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in a Circular Tube Two-Phase Model versus Single-Phase Model # Journal
CFD modeling of heat transfer of CO2 at supercritical pressures flowing vertically in porous tubes # Journal
Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamics parameters of the Packed Columns Effects of Geometrical Characteristics on Pressure Drop # Journal
CFD Simulation of Gas Distribution Performance of Gas Inlet Systems in Packed Columns # Journal
CFD simulation of mass transfer efficiency and pressure drop in a structured packed distillation column # Journal
Evaluation of Pressure Drop and Mass-Transfer Characteristics of a Structured Packing for Production and Separation of Food Flavours Part I Pressure Drop Characteristics # Journal
Evaluation of Pressure Drop and Mass-Transfer Characteristics of a Structured Packing for Production and Separation of Food Flavours Part II Mass-transfer Characteristic # Journal
Characterization of Copper- Manganese Oxide Catalyst and their precursors Effect of Precipitate Aging upon the Structure and Morphology of Precursors and Catalysts # Journal
CFD simulations of pressure drop in KATAPAK-S structured packing # Journal
Methylene Blue Adsorption by Sodium Alginate-Kaolin Beads Conference
The accuracy of CSMHyK model for prediction of mean water droplet size in water in oil emulsions Conference
Investigation of CO2 removal using Fe3O4 nano-particles in venturi scrubber Conference
Comparison of Polymer Gel Crosslinkers Evaluation and Optimization of Gelation Time for Water Shutoff Treatment Conference
بررسي اثر الگوي جريان در مدول غشايي بر جداسازي جريان گازي هيدروژن از دي اكسيد كربن با استفاده از ديناميك سيالات محاسباتي CFD ) Conference
Using hollow fiber membrane contactor for CO2capture by -Al2O3 nanofluid Conference
Effects of Alumina nanoparticles on thermal performance of a microchannel heat sink Conference