A TESLA-based mutual authentication protocol for GSM networks
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Using the cuckoo algorithm to optimizing the response time and energy consumption cost of fog nodes by considering collaboration in the fog layer
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Using the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm in collaboration with the fog nodes in the Internet of Things three-layer architecture
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Enhancing Users' Quality of Experienced with Minimum Energy Consumption by Fog Nodes Cooperation in Internet of Things
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Tunneling Protocols Identification Using Light Packet Inspection
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Analytical Performance Model of Virtualized SDNs using Network Calculus
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Optimal supervised feature extraction in internet traffic classification
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Fast workflow scheduling for grid computing based on a multi-objective Genetic Algorithm
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A non-cooperative game theory approach to optimize workflow scheduling in grid computing
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Hard Periodic Real-time Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous Processor
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Internet Traffic Classification using MOEA and Online Refinement in Voting on Ensemble methods
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An Energy-Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
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An Efficient End to End Key Establishment Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
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Using the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm in collaboration with the fog nodes in the Internet of Things three-layer architecture
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افزايش كارايي دسته بند درختي بر مبناي TCAM به كمك روشهاي پويا در فضاي ژئومتريك
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پياده سازي الگوريتم رايندال مبتني بر معماري ضربه اي
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انتخاب ويژگي برخط مبتني بر گراف به منظور افزايش دقت در تشخيص حملات جديد در سيستمهاي تشخيص نفوذ
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ارتقا كارايي دسته بندي بسته ها در معماري سخت افزاري مبتني بر حافظه تداعيگر سه وضعيتي به كمك الگوريتم رمزگذاري محدوده پورتها
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زمان بندي وظايف بلادرنگ دوره اي سخت بر روي پردازنده هاي ناهمگن
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