
Conference Papers
Title Date type
particle separation based on size in a spiral microfluidic device Conference
Experimental investigation of the effect of nanofluid onquenching of a hot slab Conference
Experimental study of flow boiling of DI-water in a nanostructured vertical micro channel Conference
CO2 Absorption in Silica-Water Nanofluid in 200 Micron Square Microchannel Conference
The Potential of Temperature-activated CO2 Production In Situ as an Enhanced Oil Recovery Process Conference
Modeling the azeotropic mixture of water and isopropanol using pervaporation process by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Conference
Experimental study of absorption of co2 in microchannel Conference
Thermo-regulating Core-shell Nano/micro Fibrous Structures Conference
Influence of Physical Properties of Phases on Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer Characteristics of a Liquid-Liquid Circular Microchannel Conference
CFD Study of conical spouted beds containing heavy zirconia particles Assessment of drag coefficient Conference
The effect of angle packings on the wet pressure drop Experimental study Conference
Comparison of utilizing nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes and platinum as cathode catalyst on highly saline microbial fuel cell Conference
Fabrication and characterization of a new intermediate surface area structured packing Conference
A New Wire Gauze Structured Packing Experimental Study of Hydrodynamics Properties Conference
CFD estimation of heat transfer in helical coiled heat exchanger Conference
Experimental investigation of tracer diffusion coefficient of tert-butanol in water-based silica nanofluids Conference
Experimental Investigation of the Thermal conductivity of silica nanofluids as a function of nanoparticles size Conference
Effects of Alumina nanoparticles on thermal performance of a microchannel heat sink Conference
Experimental study of heat transfer in jacketed vessels by SiO2 nanofluid Conference
Numerical investigation of natural convective heat transfer of Fe3O4/ ethylene glycol nanofluid in electric field Conference