
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Velocity Measurement in Carotid Artery Quantitative Comparison of Time-Resolved 3D Phase-Contrast MRI and Image-based Computational Fluid Dynamics # Journal
Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Mass Transfer in a 90 Bend # Journal
The influence of silica nanoparticles on hydrodynamics and mass transfer in spray liquid liquid extraction column # Journal
the effect of surface modification of (micro/nano)-calcium carbonate particles at various ratios on mechanical properties of poly(vinyl chloride) composites # Journal
Modeling of the Acute Effects of Primary Hypertension and Hypotension on the Hemodynamics of Intracranial Aneurysms # Journal
Development of pore network method in simulation of non-catalytic gas solid reactions Study of sulfur dioxide chemisorption on copper oxide sorbents # Journal
Experimental investigation of water self-diffusion coefficient and tracer diffusion coefficient of tert-butanol in water-based silica nanofluids # Journal
Hydrogen Sulfide Bubble Absorption Enhancement in Water-Based nanofluids # Journal
Mass transfer in nanofluids A review # Journal
Effect of Applied EHD on In-Tube Condensation of R-134a within an Assembled Experimental Rig Including a Laboratory Heat Exchanger # Journal
Parameter estimation and characterization of a single-chamber microbial fuel cell for dairy wastewater treatment # Journal
Experimental investigation of mass transfer of active ions in silica nanofluids # Journal
Pool boiling characteristics of nanofluid on flat plate based on heater surface analysis # Journal
Laminar forced convective mass transfer of gama-Al2O3/electrolyte nanofluid in a circular tube # Journal
The effects of feed splitting and heat integration in classical arrangements on cost minimization in separation of ternary mixture # Journal
Thermal Performance Analysis of Nanofluids in a Thermosyphon Heat Pipe Using CFD Modeling # Journal
Influence of the Uniform Electric Field on Viscosity of Magnetic Nanofluid (Fe3O4-EG) # Journal
Investigation of the Addition of Nano-CaCO3 at Dry Mixing or Onset of Fusion on the Dispersion Torque and Mechanical Properties of Compounded PVC # Journal
Single chamber microbial fuel cell with spiral anode for dairy wastewater treatment # Journal
Pore network simulation for diffusion through a porous membrane A comparison between Knudsen and Oscillator models # Journal