Classification of Bitter Orange Essential Oils According to Fruit Ripening Stage by Untargeted Chemical Profiling and Machine Learning
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Stress fissuring and process duration during rough rice convective drying affected by continuous and stepwise changes in air temperature
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Multi-Stage Intermittent Drying of Rough Rice in Terms of Tempering and Stress Cracking Indices and Moisture Gradients Interpretation
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Indirect forced solar drying of banana slices phenomenological explanation of non-isotropic shrinkage and color changes kinetics
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Early detection of freezing damage in sweet lemons using Vis/SWNIR spectroscopy
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Energy and quality aspects for fixed deep bed drying of paddy
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Osmotic Dehydration of Banana Slices Using Direct and Indirect Sonication Optimization and Microstructure Analysis
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Multi-sensor data fusion in the nondestructive measurement of kiwifruit texture
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Quality assessment and modeling of microwave-convective drying of lemon slices
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Developing an electronic portable device based on dielectric power spectroscopy for non-destructive prediction of date moisture content
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Comparing Quality of a Telescopic Boom Sprayer with Conventional Orchard Sprayers in Iran
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Dehydration behaviour mathematical modelling energy efficiency and essential oil yield of peppermint leaves undergoing microwave and hot air treatments
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Dehydration characteristics of whole lemons in a convective hot air dryer
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Moisture sorption isotherm and glass transition temperature of date powder in terms of various model-systems
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Dehydration characteristics and mathematical modelling of lemon slices drying undergoing oven treatment
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Determining and Modeling of Static Friction Coefficient of Some Agricultural Seeds
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Modeling the Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) Drying of Banana Slices
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Vibro-fluidized bed heat pump drying of mint leaves with respect to phenolic content antioxidant activity and color indices
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On-line firmness sensing of dates using a non-destructive impact testing device
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Estimation of whole lemon mass transfer parameters during hot air drying using different modelling methods
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