
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Effect of fracture dilation angle on stress-dependent permeability tensor of fractured rock Conference
Effect of Grain Size on Strength of Crystalline Building Stones Conference
Alteration Dependent Physical/Mechanical Properties of Gabbro and Diorite Construction Stones Conference
Evaluating the permeability tensor of a fractured rock mass using effective medium theory Conference
A comparison between permeability of single porosity and dual porosity medium using DFN and Dual fracture method (DFM) Conference
The effect of fracture network intensity on elastic strength of fractured rock masses - A numerical study Conference
Predicting penetration rate of a tunnel boring machine using artifial neural network Conference
A new method for determining grain size distribution of rocks Conference
Effect of Aperture Distribution on Network Fracture Permeability Using EMT Approach Conference
UDEC simulation of block stability analysis around a large cavern Conference
Block stability analysis around a large cavern using probabilistic approach Conference
An uncertaity analysis for calculating permeability using EMT Conference
Effects of grain size distribution on Kic using CCNBD and HCCD specimens Conference
Study of deformability of fractured rocks with correlated fracture length and aperture Conference
Some aspects on model uncertainty in the calculation of rock stability using kinematics limit equilibrium Conference
Scale and stress effects on permeability tensor of fractured rocks with correlated fracture length and aperture Conference
Stress and scale effects on the hydraulic properties of fractured rocks Conference
Deformability of rock fractures with correlated fracture length and aperture Conference
Developement of contaminant transport model for ground water system of Lake of Kiyanja watershed of Uganda Conference
Scale effect on hydraulic properties of fractured rock mass by correlated fracture length and aperture Conference