
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Study of the effect of drill bits hardness, drilling machine operating parameters and rock mechanical parameters on noise level in hard rock drilling process # Journal
Obtaining the strength parameters of concrete using drilling data 10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102181 Journal
Static and dynamic analysis on slope stability using a DFN-DEM approach on the right abutment of the Karun 4 dam # Journal
Variable Amplitude Fatigue Life Prediction of Rock Samples Under Completely Reversed Loading # Journal
Identifying the Effective Parameters in Soil Arching for Retaining Structure; A case study of Line 2 of Mashhad Subway # Journal
Investigation of wear resistance of drill bits with WC, Diamond-DLC, and TiAlSi coatings with respect to mechanical properties of rock # Journal
Fracture mechanism simulation of inhomogeneous anisotropic rocks by extended finite element method # Journal
Investigating the deformability of grouted rock mass under static and dynamic loading conditions # Journal
Redistribution of local fracture aperture and flow patterns by acidizing # Journal
An analytical model for estimating rock strength parameters from small scale drilling data # Journal
Modelling of Flow-Shear Coupling Process in Rough Rock Fractures using Three-Dimensional Finite Volume Approach # Journal
Effect of Microstructure Deficiency on Quasi-static and Dynamic Compressive Strength of Crystalline Rocks # Journal
Effect of coupled triaxial stress-perforation on fracture mechanism and acoustic wave velocity of limestone # Journal
Evolution of normal deformability of acidized rock fractures # Journal
Numerical determination of deformability and strength of 3D fractured rock mass # Journal
Stress Dependent Perforation in Carbonate Rocks An Experimental Study # Journal
Comparison of Equivalent Continuum and Discontinuum Methods in Stability Analysis of a Natural Underground Karst # Journal
The etching and hydraulic conductivity of acidized rough fractures # Journal
Fatigue life prediction of rocks based on a new Bi-linear damage model # Journal
Cumulative Fatigue Damage Under stepwise Tension-Compression Loading # Journal