Low-Reynolds-number Flow around a Square Cylinder at Incidence Study of Blockage Onset of Vortex Shedding and Outlet Boundary Condition
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Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Low-Reynolds Number Flow Around Rectangular Cylinders at Incidence
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Flow around two finite side-by-side square cylinders
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Feature of the flow over a finite length square cylinder on a wall at various incidence angles
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Numerical simulation of flow around tow side by side square cylinders by a new DES mode based on k-w-v2-f
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Large eddy simulation of the turbulent flow and heat transfer in a corrugated channel flow with different Prandtl number
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Quantitative Flow Visualization of Arc and Karman Type Vortices over a Square Cylinder
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Numerical investigation of power-law fluid flow characteristics and heat transfer over tandem square cylinders
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Evaluation of turbulent RANS models in assessement of heat transfer and flow structure in a ribbed roughened square duct
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Large eddy simulation of unconfined flow past a cylinder at high Reynolds number
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Flow and heat transfer characteristics in a 3D channel with rib turbulators
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Unsteady viscous flow over a heated cylinder in cross flow
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Computations of Viscous/Inviscid Subsonic Transonic and Supersonic Flows in a Channel with Bump
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large eddy simulation in a compact heat exchanger with vortex generators
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Numerical Simulations of Flow Around A Bluff Body At Reynolds Numbers Up to 200
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Numerical study of heat and flow in a plate-fin heat exchanger with vortex generators
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Application of k- and k- turbulence models on prediction of flow and heat transfer in a ribbed channel.
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LES of turbulent flow over a bluff body with a modified dynamic sub-grid model
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Numerical study of the onset of vortex shedding in a circular cylinder wake
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A numerical investigation of the unsteady wake flow of circular cylinders
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