Large Eddy Simulation of the flow and heat transfer in a half-corrugated Channel with Various Wave Amplitudes
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A LES study of the flow interference between tandem square cylinder pairs
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The effect of corrugation on heat transfer and pressure drop in the channel flow with different Prandtl numbers
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Numerical study of convective heat transfer and fluid flow around two side by side square cylinders using turbulence model
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Heat transfer augmentation in plate finned tube heat exchangers with vortex generators A comparison of round and flat tubes
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Power-law fluids flow and heat transfer over two tandem square cylinders Effects of Reynolds number and Power-law index
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Dynamic Analysis of small pig through two and three dimensional liquid pipeline
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Reduction of fluid forces and heat transfer on a square cylinder in a laminar flow regime using a control plate
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A numerical investigation of the flow over a pair of identical square cylinders in a tandem arrangement
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Heat transfer and fluid flow through a ribbed passage in staggered arrangement
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Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes simulations of unsteady separated flow using the k-w-v2-f model
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Forced-convection heat transfer from tandem square cylinders in cross flow at low Reynolds numbers
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Large eddy simulation of flow past rectangular section cylinders Side ratio effects
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Heat transfer augmentation in a rectangular channel with a vee-shaped vortex generator
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Hopf bifurcation vortex shedding and near wake study of a heated cylinder in cross flow
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Flow over a bluff body from moderate to high Reynolds numbers using large eddy simulation
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The LES and DNS simulations of heat transfer and fluid flow in a plate-fin heat exchanger with vortex generators
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Effect of Inclined Vortex Generators on Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Three Dimensional Channel
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Large eddy Simulation of Flow Past a Square Cylinder Comparison of Different Subgrid Scale Models
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Simulation of Three Dimensional Flow around a Square Cylinder at Moderate Reynolds Numbers
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