
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Application of L-moments for Regional Frequency Analysis of Monthly Drought Indexes # Journal
Evaluation of Application of Superabsorbent Polymers in Green Space of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions with emphasis on Iran # Journal
A Kinetic Study of Nitrite Adsorption onto Modified phragmites and sugarcane straw # Journal
Measurement and modelling of the water requirement of some greenhouse crops with artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm # Journal
Ion-exchange process for ammonium removal and release using natural Iranian zeolite # Journal
Distribution of moisture and salinity under deficit irrigation and irrigation water salinity in an alternate trickle irrigation system of tape # Journal
Application of L-moment for evaluating drought indices of cumulative precipitation deficit (CPD) and maximum precipitation deficit (MPD) based on regional frequency analysis # Journal
Effect of nitrogen fertilizers on nitrate leaching from a saline soil profile under corn and barley cultivation # Journal
Application of sugarcane straw anion exchanger for nitrate removal # Journal
A new method for estimating the parameters of Kostiakov and modified Kostiakov infiltration equations # Journal
Influences of clinoptilolite and surfactant modified clinoptilolite zeolite on nitrate leaching and plant growth # Journal
Conditioning DRASTIC model to simulate nitrate pollution case study Hamadan-Bahar plain # Journal
Effects of variations in climatic parameters on evapotranspiration in the arid and semi-arid regions # Journal
Application of SWAT Model to Investigate Nitrate Leaching in Hamadan-Bahar Watershed Iran # Journal
Effects of Puccinellia Distans and Tallfescue on Modification of C/N Ratios and Microbial Activities in Crude Oil-Contaminated Soils # Journal
The effects of different water qualities and irrigation methods on soil chemical properties # Journal
Comparsion of Artificial Neural Network and Physically Based Models for Estimating of Reference Evapotranspiration in Greenhouse # Journal
Estimation of daily reference evapotranspiration using support vector machines and artificial Neural networks in greenhouse # Journal
Estimation of Osmotic Suction from Electrical Conductivity and Water Content Measurements in Unsaturated Soils # Journal
Evaluation of hydrogel application on soil water retention characteristics # Journal