koupai@iut.ac.ir Office Department of Water Engineeribg, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Post Code 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran Phone +98 311 3913433 Fax +98 311 3912254 Research Interests Water Resources Flow through Porous Media Water and Soil pollution and Remediation Unconventional Water Optimization of water Use consumption Soil physical Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties Geotechnics of Hydraulic Structures More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Impact of compost and natural and synthetic water absorbents on soil hydraulic properties and vegetation indices in urban green spaces 10.57647/j.ijrowa.2024.1302.18 Journal Influence of a Novel Superabsorbent Slow-release Fertilizer and Water Deficit on Herbage Biomass and oil Production of Thymus daenensis 10.22034/jmpb.2024.364267.1632 Journal Integration of SWAT, SDSM, AHP, and TOPSIS to detect flood-prone areas 10.1007/s11069-024-06483-7 Journal Desalination of Caspian Sea water by using graphene oxide-based covalent organic frameworks and HDTMA-modified Iranian natural Zeolite - Journal Pre-event base flow as a useful indicator for flood forecasting 10.1016/j.advwatres.2023.104539 Journal Simulation of the effects of climate change, crop pattern change, and developing irrigation systems on the groundwater resources by SWAT, WEAP and MODFLOW models: a case study of Fars province, Iran 10.1007/s10668-023-03157-5 Journal Groundwater sustainability under land-use and land-cover changes - Journal Vetiver Grass (Chrysopogon zizanoides L.): A Hyper-Accumulator Crop for Bioremediation of Unconventional Water - Journal Simulation of the effects of climate change and reduce irrigation requirements on groundwater recharge using SWAT and MODFLOW models 10.1007/s40808-022-01580-7 Journal High density polyethylene/zinc oxide nanocomposite with antibacterial and anti-UV radiation properties to reduce evaporation from free surface waters 10.1002/pc.26865 Journal