
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Novel and processable polyimides with a N-benzonitrile side chain thermal mechanical and gas separation properties 10.1039/c4ra17030j Journal
Exfoliation and dispersion of nano-sized modified-LDH particles in poly(amide-imide)s containing N-trimellitylimido-L-methionine and 3 5-diamino- N-(pyridin-3-yl)benzamide linkages # Journal
Novel nanocomposites of poly(vinyl alcohol) and Mg Al layered double hydroxide intercalated with diacid N-tetrabromophthaloyl-aspartic # Journal
Hybrids of Mg Al-layered double hydroxide and multiwalled carbon nanotube as a reinforcing filler in the L-phenylalanine based polymer nanocomposites # Journal
Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxides Containing a Biodegradable Amino Acid Derivative and Their Application for Effective Removal of Cyanide from Industrial Wastes # Journal
Preparation characterization and gas separation properties of nanocomposite materials based on novel silane functionalizing polyimide bearing pendent naphthyl units and ZnO nanoparticles 10.1039/c4ra13190h Journal
Poly(vinyl alcohol) Chains Grafted onto the Surface of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Application in Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Optically Active and Thermally Stable Nanocomposites Based on Poly(amide- imide )Containing N-trimellitylimido-L- # Journal
Dispersion of surface-modified nano-Fe3O4 with poly(vinyl alcohol) in chiral poly(amide-imide) bearing pyromellitoyl-bis-L Lphenylalanine segments # Journal
Ultrasonic assisted organo-modification of mesoporous SBA-15 with N-trimellitylimido-l-methionine and preparation of the poly(amide imide)/SBA nanocomposites 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2014.08.005 Journal
Production of NiAl-layered double hydroxide intercalated with bio-safe amino acid containing organic dianion and its utilization in formation of LDH/poly(amide-imide)nanocomposites # Journal
Synthesis structural characterization and properties of novel functional poly(ether imide)/titania nanocomposite thin films # Journal
Preparation Characterization and Solid-State Emission of Metal Complex-Cloisite Nanohybrids (MC-C M Ru (II) and Cu (II)) # Journal
Anionic clay intercalated by multi-walled carbon nanotubes as an efficient 3D nanofiller for the preparation of high-performance l-alanine amino acid containing poly(amide-imide) nanocomposites # Journal
Manufacture and Characterization of Biodegradable Nanocomposites Based on Nanoscale MgAl-Layered Double Hydroxide Modified with N N -(Pyromellitoyl)-bis-L-Isoleucine Diacid and Poly(vinyl alcohol) # Journal
Novel bionanocomposites of poly(vinyl alcohol) and modified chiral layered double hydroxides Synthesis properties and a morphological study # Journal
Structural Characterization and Thermal Properties of Chiral Poly(amide-imide)/Modified MgAl Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites Prepared via Solution Intercalation # Journal
Modification of Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide with L-aspartic acid containing dicarboxylic acid and its application in the enhancement of the thermal stability of chiral poly(amide-imide # Journal
Novel nanohybrids of cobalt(III) Schiff base complexes and clay Synthesis and structural determinations # Journal
Improved immobilization of DNA to graphite surfaces using amino acid modified clays # Journal
Ultrasound-assisted one-pot preparation of organo-modified nano-sized layered double hydroxide and its nanocomposites with polyvinylpyrrolidone # Journal