Synthesis and characterization of new heat-resistant polyamides bearing an s-triazine ring under green conditions
10.1007/s10965-017-1184-9 |
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Galvanic exchange at layered doubled hydroxide/N-doped graphene as an in-situ method to fabricate powerful electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction
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Efficient degradation of methylene blue dye over tungsten trioxide/multi-walled carbon nanotube system as a novel photocatalyst
10.1007/s00339-016-0403-2 |
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Nanocomposite films of polyaniline/graphene quantum dots and its supercapacitor properties
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Fabrication and characterization of hybrid films based on polyaniline and graphitic carbon nitride nanosheet
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Photodegradation of organic dye by ZnCrLa-layered double hydroxide as visible-light photocatalysts
10.1007/s10854-016-5054-8 |
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Design of one-pot green protocol for the synthesis of novel modified LDHs with diacids based on amino acids morphology and thermal examinations
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The preparation of modified boehmite/PMMA nanocomposites by in situ polymerization and the assessment of their capability for Cu 2 ion removal
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Electrochemical Determination of Papaverine on Mg Al Layered Double Hydroxide/ Graphene Oxide and CNT Modified Carbon Paste Electrode
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Application of Modified Carbon Quantum Dots/Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes/Pencil Graphite Electrode for Electrochemical Determination of Dextromethorphan
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Bionanocomposite materials from layered double hydroxide/Ntrimellitylimido-L-isoleucine hybrid and poly(vinyl alcohol) Structural and morphological study
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Dye-sensitized solar cells based on nanocomposite of polyaniline/graphene quantum dots
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Structure and Thermal Degradation Properties of Nanocomposites of Alanine Amino Acid-based Poly(amide imide) Reinforced with Carboxymethyl-beta-cyclodextrin Intercalated in a Layered Double Hydroxide
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Hydrogen storage in hybrid of layered double hydroxides/reduced graphene oxide using spillover mechanism
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Fabrication of poly(methyl methacrylate)/silica KIT-6 nanocomposites via in situ polymerization approach and their application for removal of Cu 2 from aqueous solution
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Novel nanocomposites Obtained by Dispersion of LDH Modified With N-tetrabromophthaloyl-glutamic in Poly(amide-imide) Having N-trimellitylimido-L-leucine and 4 40-Diaminodiphenylether Units
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The effect of various types of post-synthetic modifications on the structure and properties of MCM-41 mesoporous silica
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Polybenzimidazole and polybenzimidazole/MoS2 hybrids as an active nitrogen sites hydrogen generation application
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Preparation and characterization of nanocomposite materials based on polyamide-6 and modified ordered mesoporous silica KIT-6
10.1002/APP.43098 |
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Surface Treatment of ZrO2 Nanoparticles with Biosafe Citric Acid and Its Utilization for the Synthesis of L-leucine Based Poly(Amide Imide) Nanocomposites
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