
Conference Papers
Title DOI Date type
Application of SWOT Analysis in Strategic Environmental Planning A Case Study of Isfahan/ Iran Conference
Rangeland Degredation and its Impacts on Water Quality in Zayandehroud River Basin Conference
NULL Conference
Analysis of Landscape Pattern Changes in Isfahan City during the Last Two Decades Conference
Impacts of Land Use and Climatic Changes on Dust Emission in South-West of Iran Conference
Landscape-Scale Impacts of Isfahan s West Freeway on Ghamishloo Wildlife Refuge Iran Conference
Spatiotemporal Changes of Zayandehroud River Water Quality in Response to Change in Landscape Patterns Conference
Analysis of soil Heavy Metal Pollution and Landscape Pattern in Nahavand Iran Conference
Significant effects of patch geometry and spatial arrangement of wetland ecosystems on plant diversity Conference
Recent increase in plant species richness in mountainous wetland habitats Conference
Evolution of seed size as a function of fragmentation in an axperimental Arabidopsis metapopulation Conference
Effects of Landscape patterns on Species Composition in Fragmented Wetlands in Switzerland Conference
Altitudinal Shifts in Plant Species Distribution as a consequence of Climate Change in Pre-alpine Regions of Switzerland Conference
ارزيابي و پيش بيني روند تغييرات كاربري و پوشش اراضي با استفاده از ابزار مدلساز تغيير سرزمين # Journal
تدوين برنامه راهبردي توسعه گردشگري شهرستان شاهين شهر و ميمه # Journal
تحليل شبكه اجتماعي در راستاي برنامه ريزي و مديريت مشاركتي محيط زيست 20.1001.1.20089597.1401. Journal
ارزيابي الگوهاي مكاني خدمات اكو سيتمي بر مبناي رويكرد تطبيقي مبتني بر آمار فضايي در قسمت مركزي استان اصفهان # Journal
ارزيابي الگوهاي مكاني خدمات اكوسيستمي بر مبناي رويكرد تطبيقي مبتني بر آمار فضايي در قسمت مركزي استان اصفهان # Journal
ارزيابي اثر شبكه جاده ها بر كاهش كيفيت زيستگاه هاي حيات وحش در استان چهارمحال و بختياري با استفاده از شاخص Vicinity Impact # Journal
ارزيابي آواهاي زيستي در پارك هاي شهر اصفهان با استفاده از شاخص هاي اكوستيك # Journal