Comparing landscape suitability and permeability with and without migration data the influence of species movement behavior
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Land Cover Classification in Mangrove Ecosystems Based on VHR Satellite Data and Machine LearningAn Upscaling Approach
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Assessing future distribution, suitability of corridors and efficiency of protected areas to conserve vulnerable ungulates under climate change
10.1111/ddi.13117 |
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Application of InVEST habitat quality module in spatially vulnerability assessment of natural habitats (case study Chaharmahal and Bahtiari Province, Iran)
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Integrated Coastal-Terrestrial Conservation Planning for landscape-scale reserve design in Southeastern Iran
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Comparing different classification algorithms for monitoring mangrove cover changes in southern Iran
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Road-induced fragmentation and the environmental value of roadless areas in a partly protected landscape in Central Iran
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Geographic separation and genetic differentiation of populations are not coupled with niche differentiation in threatened Kaiser's spotted newt (Neurergus kaiseri)
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Assessment of genetic variation and evolutionary history of Caucasian Grouse (Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi)
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Patterns and determinations of human- carnivore conflicts in Central Iran realities and perceptions behind the conflict
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Mapping and monitoring of the structure and function of rangeland ecosystems in central Zagros Iran
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Evaluating and modeling the spatiotemporal pattern of regional-scale salinized land expansion in highly sensitive shoreline landscape of southeastern Iran
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Altitudinal Heterogeneity and Vulnerability Assessment of Protected Area Network for Climate Change Adaptation Planning in Central Iran
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Habitat suitability mapping for sand cat (Felis margarita) iin Central Iran using remote sensing techniques
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Assessing the effects of changing grain size and extent on landscape metrics
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Monitoring landscape changes in Caucasian black grouse (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi) habitat in Iran during the last two decades
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Change Detection and Land use/cover Dynamics in the Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve
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Using the SLEUTH Urban Growth Model to Simulate Future urban Expansion of the Isfahan Metropolitan Area Iran
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Assessment of land cover changes water quality changes in the Zayandehroud River Basin between 1997 2008
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